Chapter SPS387. Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Replacement Or Rehabilitation Financial Assistance Program

Section 387.01. Purpose.
Section 387.02. Applicability.
Section 387.03. Definitions.
Section 387.04. Application by governmental units to participate.
Section 387.05. Grant application by participating governmental units.
Section 387.10. Categories of POWTS.
Section 387.20. Eligibility of owners.
Section 387.21. Ineligibility of owners.
Section 387.30. Maximum allowable financial assistance amount.
Section 387.31. Maximum allowable financial assistance amount for experimental POWTS.
Section 387.32. Ineligible rehabilitation or replacement work.
Section 387.40. Application by owners.
Section 387.50. Alternate evidence of income.
Section 387.70. Allocation of funds and financial assistance awards.
Section 387.71. Payments to participating governmental units.
Section 387.72. Payments for monitoring of experimental systems.
Section 387.80. Program enforcement.
Section 387.81. Program audit.
Section 387.90. Petition for variance.
Section 387.91. Process for appeal.