Section 135.723. Distribution systems: leakage surveys additions [49 CFR 192.723].  

Latest version.
  • After 49 CFR 192.723 (b), insert:
    (cw) Every operator shall maintain a gas leak-detection program and shall maintain records of operation under the program. The program shall consist of not less than the following:
    (1) In addition to 49 CFR 192.723 (b)(1), an additional leakage survey with a leak detection device shall be conducted over street openings in business districts, as shown by maps filed with the public service commission by each utility, at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year and not more [less] than 4 ½ months before or after the survey required under 49 CFR 192.723 (b)(1).
    (2) In each business district, a building survey shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year. The piping from the service entrance to the meter outlet and metering and regulating equipment shall be tested for gas leakage in those buildings that have gas service.
    (3) A survey of all buildings used for public gatherings, such as schools, churches, hospitals, and theaters, shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year. The piping from the service entrance to the meter outlet and metering and regulating equipment shall be tested for gas leakage.
    (4) In incorporated cities and villages, in addition to a survey of public buildings, the operator shall conduct a leak survey of all mains using a continuous-sampling instrument capable of detecting and measuring combustible gas in air concentrations of 100 parts per million. The utility may substitute for the test required by this provision a survey by mobile flame ionization or infrared gas detection units. The tests required by this provision shall be made at intervals not exceeding 15 months, but at least once each calendar year.
    (5) Along all mains in unincorporated areas, a leakage survey with leak detection equipment shall be conducted at least once every 2 calendar years at intervals not exceeding 27 months.
    (6) A leakage survey of all services conducted with an acceptable leak detection device shall be made at intervals not exceeding five years.
    (7) When a leak complaint is received and the odor of gas indicates that there is a leak in or near the premises, a search shall be carried to conclusion until the leak is found.