Agency PSC. Public Service Commission  

Chapter 1. Agents Of The Commission
Chapter 2. Procedure And Practice
Chapter 3. Intervenor Compensation
Chapter 4. Environmental Analysis
Chapter 5. Assessment Of Costs
Chapter 6. Assessment Of Commission's Holding Company Regulation Costs
Chapter 8. Utility Reports
Chapter 12. Utility Advertising Practices
Chapter 100. Affiliations Between Public Utilities And Other Persons
Chapter 102. Accounting For Disbursements By Public Utilities
Chapter 103. Allocation Of Joint Expenses Among Departments Of Class A And Class B Utilities
Chapter 104. Recording And Reporting Utility Accidents
Chapter 108. Competitive Bidding For Securities
Chapter 109. Tax Equivalent For Municipal Utilities
Chapter 110. Distribution Of Wholesale Electric Refunds
Chapter 111. Requirements For Strategic Energy Assessments, Certificates Of Public Convenience And Necessity, And Fixed Financial Parameters For Certain Rate Base Electric Generating Facilities
Chapter 112. Construction By Electric Public Utilities And Extensions Of Electric Service
Chapter 113. Service Rules For Electrical Utilities
Chapter 114. Wisconsin State Electrical Code, Volume 1
Chapter 115. Radiological Emergency Preparedness Expenses
Chapter 116. Fuel Cost
Chapter 117. Assignment Of Costs And Opportunity Sales
Chapter 118. Renewable Resource Credit Tracking Program
Chapter 119. Rules For Interconnecting Distributed Generation Facilities
Chapter 128. Wind Energy Systems
Chapter 130. Municipal Regulation Of Municipal Rights-Of-Way
Chapter 132. Compensation And Conditions For Public UtilityFacilities Within Railroad Right-Of-Way
Chapter 133. Construction, Installation, And Placing In Operation Of Facilities By Gas Utilities
Chapter 134. Standards For Gas Service
Chapter 135. Gas Safety
Chapter 136. Electric And Gas Conservation
Chapter 137. Energy Efficiency And Renewable Resource Programs
Chapter 140. Construction Of Facilities To Supply Heat By Utilities
Chapter 160. Universal Service Support Funding And Programs
Chapter 161. Educational Telecommunications Access Program
Chapter 165. Standards For Telecommunications Service
Chapter 168. Telecommunications Resellers And Resale
Chapter 172. Police And Fire Protection Fee On Communications Connections
Chapter 173. 911 Emergency Telecommunications Service
Chapter 179. Telecommunications Dispute Resolution
Chapter 183. Joint Local Water Authorities
Chapter 184. Construction Of And Placing Into Operation Of Water And Sewer Facilities
Chapter 185. Standards For Water Public Utility Service
Chapter 187. Sewer Main Extension Cost Recovery
Chapter ERules. Emergency Rules