SubChapter N. Conditional Exemption for Low-Level Mixed Waste Storage, Treatment, Transportation and Disposal  

Section 666.210. What definitions apply to this subchapter?
Section 666.220. What does a storage and treatment conditional exemption do?
Section 666.225. What wastes are eligible for the storage and treatment conditional exemption?
Section 666.230. What conditions must you meet for your LLMW to qualify for and maintain a storage and treatment exemption?
Section 666.235. What waste treatment does the storage and treatment conditional exemption allow?
Section 666.240. How could you lose the conditional exemption for your LLMW and what action must you take?
Section 666.245. If you lose the storage and treatment conditional exemption for your LLMW, can the exemption be reclaimed?
Section 666.250. What storage and treatment records must you keep at your facility and for how long?
Section 666.255. When is your LLMW no longer eligible for the storage and treatment conditional exemption?
Section 666.260. Do closure requirements apply to units that stored LLMW prior to the effective date of this subchapter?
Section 666.305. What does the transportation and disposal conditional exemption do?
Section 666.310. What wastes are eligible for the transportation and disposal conditional exemption?
Section 666.315. What are the conditions you must meet for your waste to qualify for and maintain the transportation and disposal conditional exemption?
Section 666.320. What treatment standards must your eligible waste meet?
Section 666.325. Are you subject to the manifest and transportation condition in s. NR 666.315 (2)?
Section 666.330. When does the transportation and disposal exemption take effect?
Section 666.335. Where must your exempted waste be disposed of?
Section 666.340. What type of container must be used for disposal of exempted waste?
Section 666.345. Whom must you notify?
Section 666.350. What general, transportation and disposal records must you keep at your facility and for how long?
Section 666.355. How could you lose the transportation and disposal conditional exemption for your waste and what actions must you take?
Section 666.360. If you lose the transportation and disposal conditional exemption for a waste, can the exemption be reclaimed?