SubChapter I. Miscellaneous  

Section 19.001. Definitions.
Section 19.01. Approval deadlines.
Section 19.02. Handling fees for certain approvals.
Section 19.025. Waivers for an educational recreational activity.
Section 19.03. Control of muskrats on cranberry marshes.
Section 19.05. Release, importation and transportation of fish.
Section 19.055. Drainage of water from boats and equipment required.
Section 19.057. Bait dealer's wild harvest permit required; criteria; records required.
Section 19.058. Sport trolling.
Section 19.06. Fish nets and traps.
Section 19.09. Wild rice conservation.
Section 19.11. Scientific collectors permits and scientific research licenses.
Section 19.115. Fish, fur, game seals.
Section 19.12. Tagging the carcasses of wild animals, birds and fish taken on Indian reservations.
Section 19.13. Disposition of deer accidentally killed by a motor vehicle.
Section 19.25. Wild animal protection.
Section 19.26. Season and restrictions for taking frogs.
Section 19.27. Seasons, limits, restrictions on taking crayfish.
Section 19.275. Turtles.
Section 19.28. Taxidermy.
Section 19.30. Criminal history checks; volunteer instructors.
Section 19.40. Department authority to void local hunting, fishing and trapping ordinances.
Section 19.50. All-terrain vehicle and bowhunter, snowmobile and hunter education program fee.
Section 19.51. Wisconsin cooperative trapper education program fee.
Section 19.60. Feeding of wild animals.