Appendix IX Groundwater Monitoring List1  

Latest version.
  • 1 The rule requirements pertain only to the list of substances. The right hand columns (Methods and PQL) are given for informational purposes only. See also footnotes 5 and 6.
    2 Common names are those widely used in government regulations, scientific publications and commerce; synonyms exist for many chemicals.
    3 Chemical Abstracts Service registry number. Where ``Total'' is entered, all species in the groundwater that contain this element are included.
    4 CAS index names are those used in the 9th Cumulative Index.
    5 Suggested methods refer to analytical procedure numbers used in EPA SW-846, ``Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste'', incorporated by reference in s. NR 660.11 . Analytical details can be found in SW-846 and in documentation on file with EPA. The packed column gas chromatography methods 8010, 8020, 8030, 8040, 8060, 8080, 8090, 8110, 8120, 8140, 8150, 8240 and 8250 were promulgated methods through update IIB of SW-846 and, as of update III, EPA has replaced these methods with ``capillary column GC methods'', as the suggested methods.
    6 Practical Quantitation Limits (PQLs) are the lowest concentrations of analytes in groundwaters that can be reliably determined within specified limits of precision and accuracy by the indicated methods under routine laboratory operating conditions. The PQLs listed are generally stated to one significant figure. CAUTION: The PQL values in many cases are based only on a general estimate for and not on a determination for individual compounds. PQLs are not a part of the rule.
    7 Polychlorinated biphenyls (CAS RN 1336-36-3). This category contains congener chemicals, including constituents of Aroclor-1016 (CAS RN 12674-11-2), Aroclor-1221 (CAS RN 11104-28-2), Aroclor-1232 (CAS RN 11141-16-5), Aroclor-1242 (CAS RN 53469-21-9), Aroclor-1248 (CAS RN 12672-29-6), Aroclor-1254 (CAS RN 11097-69-1) and Aroclor-1260 (CAS RN 11096-82-5). The PQL shown is an average value for PCB congeners.
    8 This category contains congener chemicals, including tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins (see also 2,3,7,8-TCDD), pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins and hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins. The PQL shown is an average value for PCDD congeners.
    9 This category contains congener chemicals, including tetrachlorodibenzofurans, pentachlorodibenzofurans and hexachlorodibenzofurans. The PQL shown is an average value for PCDF congeners.