Section 47.969. Enforcement.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  If any W MG or assignee uses a n y sche m e or device to unjustly benefit from this progra m , the cost-share grants shall be withheld or a refund of all or part of any program pa y m ents otherwise due or paid that person shall be secured. A sche m e or device includes, but is not li m ited to, coercion, fraud or m isrepresentation, false clai m s, or any business dissolution, reorganization, revival, or other legal m echanism designed for or having the effect of evading the require m ents of this subchapter.
    (2)  If any W MG takes any action or fails to take reasonable action as deter m ined by the depart m ent which results in the failure, non-co m pletion, destruction, or i m pair m ent of a practice for the duration of the approved grant period, cos t -share grants shall be withheld or a refund of all or part of a n y program pay m ents otherwise due or paid shall be secured.
    (3)  Nothing in this subchapter requiring the withholding or refunding of cos t -share grants shall preclude a n y other penal t y or liabili t y otherwise i m posed by law.
    (4)  If the applicant has not utilized grant m oney appropriate l y as deter m ined b y the depart m ent, additional pending cost-share grants under this subchapter shall be withheld or a refund of all or part of a n y program pa y m ents otherwise due or paid shall be secured.