Section 47.965. Costs.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Eligible costs.
    (a) Grants under the program shall be used to distribute available state, federal or nonprofit funds for the purpose of encouraging invasive plant m anage m ent in weed m anage m ent area s .
    (b) Eligible costs are all those identified in a n application under s. NR 47.966 (3) and associated with the preparation or i m ple m entation of one or m ore eligible practic e s as approved by the chief state forester.
    (2) Ineligible costs. No person m ay use grant funds under this subchapter for any of the following:
    (a) Costs incurred before an application for grant assistance is approved .
    (b) The i m ple m entation of any practice already required b y law, rule, regulation or other authori t y , except for a practice required in the m anaged forest law program under ch. 77 , Stats. , and except for a practice required under ch. NR 40 for prohibited and restricted terrestrial plant species.
    (c) A practice not approved by the depart m ent in writing, or changes to a previously approved practice, unless authorized b y the depart m ent in writing.
    (d) Costs to repair da m age caused b y i m ple m enting a practice.
    (e) Costs associated with work on public lands.
    (f) Costs associated with work on industrial forests.
    (g) Costs in excess of $5,000 for equip m ent purchase.
    (h) Costs associated with traveling to and from the site.