Section 47.964. Eligibility.  

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  • (1) Eligible applicants.
    (a) All nonindustrial private forest lands that m eet the program require m ents in this subchapter are eligible for assistance under the progra m .
    (b) A W MG is eligible for assistance under the program if it consists of 3 or m ore persons of which at least one person shall be a person participating.
    (c) Eligibili t y for federal funding, or non-profit organization funding, m ay be defined in the grant agree m ent through which the funding is provided. Further, additional eligibility criteria m ay acco m pany state funding other than that provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av) , Stats.
    (d) Non-profit organizations and govern m ent entities may be applicants as long as the funding is used on nonindustrial private forested land.
    (2) Ineligible applicants . The following applicants shall be ineligible for a grant awarded under this subchapter:
    (a) An applicant that did not receive pa y m ent under s. NR 47.967 for a grant awarded under this subchapter which ended within the 24 m onths prior to the date the application was sub m itted, unless the owner ended that grant within 12 m onths of the award.
    (b) An applicant who has violated s. NR 47.969 (1) , (2) , or (4) .
    (3) Eligible practices. All of the following practices are eligible for grants under this subchapter. However, additional eligible practices m ay acco m pany funding for this program other than that provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av) , Stats.:
    (a) Education, infor m ation and outreach including publications, field da y s, websites, de m onstrations, trainings, and planning workshops.
    (b) Coordinating a W MG , which includes one - ti m e start-up costs , a W MG coordinator salary for up to one grant c y cle , assisting a W MG in the for m ation of partnerships , goals , and objectives for the m anage m ent of the W MA .
    (c) Inventory of invasive plant species occurrences.
    (d) Control of invasive plant species that i m pact nonindustrial private forest land.
    (e) Monitoring.
    (f) Practices under s. NR 47.84 (2) (b) if they pertain to invasive plant m anage m ent.
    (g) Long term m anage m ent plan develop m ent.