Section 47.86. Grants.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Grant calculation.
    (a) A m atching grant provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av) , Stats., or other state funds m ay not be m ore than 75% of the actual eligible costs depending on availability of funds. If a federal o r nonprofit organization grant agree m ent provides for cost-share li m itations different from those specified in this subsection, the cost-share rate from funds provided through the federal or nonprofit organization grant agree m ent m ay appl y .
    (b) An annual grant under the program m ay not exceed $10,000 or be less than $100 for any individual, person, or project.
    (2) Grant selection system.
    (a) In selecting practices for grant assistance, the department shall give preference to projects which are directed to accomplish one or more of the following; these are not listed in order of priority:
    1. Establish or reestablish forests through various methods of regeneration, including planting, direct seeding or natural regeneration.
    2. Improve forest stand productivity, stand vigor, forest health, and the value and quality of wood products.
    3. Encourage sustainability of forest lands.
    4. Provide protection of soil and water resources.
    5. Include additional land under written forest stewardship management plans.
    6. Provide protection and enhancement of riparian area and wetlands.
    7. Provide protection and enhancement of terrestrial wildlife habitat.
    8. Provide endangered, threatened or rare species habitat enhancement and natural community habitat maintenance and enhancement.
    (3) Application and approval.
    (a) Application deadlines are as follow s unless otherwise provided on the application, and are contingent upon availabili t y of funds: M a y 1 and August 1. State funds for this program other than those provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av) , Stats., federal funds awarded pursuant to a federal grant agree m ent and nonprofit organization funds awarded pursuant to a nonprofit organization grant agree m ent m ay speci f y other application deadlines.
    (b) The department shall make basic eligibility determinations, including whether the applicant meets nonindustrial private forest land ownership criteria and minimum and maximum acreage criteria.
    1. Annuall y , the depart m ent m ay designate a percentage of the total annual funds for any of the following:
    a. A statewide forestry e m ergenc y , as designated b y the chief state forester. A statewide forestry e m ergency includes, but is li m ited to natural and m an- m ade events which cause large areas of forest m ortali t y due to wind, ice, hail, flooding, forest fires, forest insect, or disease.
    b. Practices that acco m plish objectives or groups of objectives identified un d er sub. (2) (a) .
    2. If funds are available following distribution under subd . 1 . a. and b . , the funds m ay be distributed on a first-co m e-first-serve basis to a n y approved applications awaiting funding .
    (d) Applications not able to be funded during one application period will be held until the subsequent application period unless the landowner requests the application be canceled.
    (e) The department shall review applications to determine practice eligibility, based on the following:
    1. Consistency with a department approved landowner forest stewardship plan unless the applicant is applying for a grant to develop one.
    2. The practice is needed and feasible.
    3. The practice is eligible under this subchapter.
    4. The practice cost is determined to be at least $200 or more.
    5. Applications will be approved provided grant funds are available. Department approval of an application shall constitute an agreement between the state and the landowner.
    6. Upon approval of a practice, the department shall prepare a practice outline that identifies the needed technical practices, specifications, and approximate time frames for the implementation of the practice, to achieve the objectives of the practice. The outline shall be attached to and become part of the landowner forest stewardship plan and shall be effective for the duration of the practice. The requirements in the practice outline shall constitute the basis for determining acceptable performance upon practice completion.
    7. Upon approval of a practice, the landowner shall be notified in writing by the department or its agent. The notice shall state that the landowner can begin implementing the approved practice.
    8. W ithin 8 weeks of the end of the batching period, the depart m ent shall noti f y the landowner as to the status of his or her application.
Cr. Register, March, 1999, No. 519 , eff. 4-1-99; CR 02-074 : am. (1) (a), (3) (a), (c), (e) 1. and 4. Register November 2002 No. 563 , eff. 12-1-02; emerg. am. (3) (a), r. and recr. (3) (c) 2. and 3., eff. 10-4-05; CR 05-087 : am. (3) (a), r. and recr. (3) (c) 2. and 3. Register May 2006 No. 605 , eff. 6-1-06; CR 12-029 : am. (1), (3) (a), r. and recr. (3) (c), am. (3) (e) 8. Register June 2013 No. 690 , eff. 7-1-13.


Applications can be obtained from the local department of natural resources forester or from the State Forester, P.O. 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1