Section 19.78. Care and treatment of wildlife.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  Any orphaned, sick or injured wildlife, except endangered or threatened species, that the licensee determines is not capable of being rehabilitated or having a reasonable chance of survival in the wild shall be treated under one of the following options:
    (a) Euthanized.
    (b) Turned over to the department.
    (c) Disposed of as directed by the department.
    (d) Retained for the purpose of long-term care at the direction of the department.
    (2)  A licensee shall notify the department within 48 hours of receipt of federal or state endangered or threatened species.
    (3)  State endangered or threatened species may be euthanized and disposed of only under direction of the department.
    (4)  Federally endangered or threatened migratory birds may only be euthanized and disposed of under the direction of the migratory bird permit office, United States fish and wildlife service, and the department.
    (5)  Federally endangered or threatened mammals shall only be euthanized and disposed of under direction of the endangered species permit office of the United States fish and wildlife service and the department.
    (6)  No licensee may keep any orphaned, sick or injured migratory bird for the purpose of rehabilitation, including birds not ready for release prior to the onset of cold weather, longer than 180 days unless an extension is granted by the migratory bird permit office of the United States fish and wildlife service, and the department for each individual case.
    (7)  No licensee may keep any orphaned, sick or injured wildlife for the purpose of rehabilitation, including wildlife not ready for release prior to the onset of cold weather, longer than 180 days unless an extension is granted by the department for each individual case.
    (8)  When the licensee determines that the injured or sick wildlife have sufficiently recovered, or orphaned wildlife has matured to an age where there is reasonable chance for survival in the wild, wildlife shall be released at an appropriate location with landowner permission unless otherwise authorized by the department.