Section 5.08. Required disclosures.

Latest version.
  • A school shall disclose in all advertising and promotional material used in Wisconsin:
    (1)  The school name and address and, if different from the address, the teaching location of the school.
    (2)  The fact that the school is offering educational services or vocational training for sale.
    (3)  The total cost of the program or term, if the school makes in that material any representations as to the cost of the program or term.
    (4)  Whether any endorsements or recommendations in that material are paid testimonials.
History: Cr. Register, December, 1972, No. 204 , eff. 1-1-73; am. (1), cr. (5), Register, June, No. 414 , eff. 7-1-90; am. (2) and (4), r. (5), Register, October, 1997, No. 502 , eff. 12-1-97.