Section 75.16. Hearing procedures.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Hearing is closed. A hearing shall be closed to the public as a confidential matter unless the applicant or eligible individual, or the representative of the applicant or eligible individual files a motion to open the hearing within 5 working days in advance of the scheduled hearing.
    (2) Hearing not a court. The hearing officer is not bound by the rules of evidence and customary procedures of a court of law. However, the hearing officer shall adhere to the hearing procedures in this section unless there is good cause and shall document, on the record of the hearing, the reasons for deviation from any procedure required under this chapter.
    (3) Attendance at a hearing. Parties and witnesses shall attend a scheduled hearing unless a motion has been filed with the hearing officer within 5 working days prior to a scheduled hearing stating reasonable cause for an individual to participate in the hearing, including the need for reasonable and specific disability accommodations, by a live, real time electronic means as an alternative to appearing in person. The hearing officer may grant the request if the other party has no objection.
    (4) Testimony by witnesses. Witnesses may testify in person by answering questions posed to them, in narrative form, or by deposition provided that the witness agrees in advance, as part of the deposition, to permit the recording of the testimony and any subsequent cross-examination and the witness understands a subpoena to appear may be issued by the hearing officer based on the information in the deposition. For reasonable and specific disability accommodations or to provide testimony by deposition or electronic means, witnesses shall file a request with the hearing officer within 5 working days prior to a scheduled hearing. The hearing officer may grant the request if the other party does not object provided that the witness agrees in advance and on the record to permit the recording of the witness's telephone testimony and any subsequent cross-examination.
    (5) Identification of witnesses and exhibits. Each party shall file a list of witnesses and submit a copy of exhibits not previously identified in the prehearing conference with the hearing officer and the other party within 5 working days prior to a scheduled hearing.
    (6) Record of the hearing.
    (a) Recording. The hearing officer shall record each hearing. The applicant or eligible individual, or the representative of the applicant or eligible individual, may obtain one free copy of the recording by contacting the hearing coordinator. No other recording of the hearing is permitted.
    (b) Transcript. Transcripts of the hearing record may be provided at the expense of the requestor. However, a party who cannot, due to a disability, use the free copy of the recording provided in par. (a) may file a written request with the hearing coordinator for a copy of the record in an alternate format as a reasonable accommodation.
    (7) Opening statement by hearing officer. The hearing officer shall open the hearing with a brief statement of the date, the location of the hearing, the issues, the parties directly involved in the hearing and the standard procedures, and shall remind all parties and witnesses present that all personally identifiable information made available for the hearing is confidential.
    (8) Roll call.
    (a) The hearing officer shall determine if the parties and announced witnesses are present. The hearing officer may admit other individuals to the hearing for good cause at the request of either party.
    (b) If either party fails to appear at a hearing without prior notice, the hearing officer shall immediately reschedule the hearing to a date within 5 working days after the current date to allow the absent party to explain the absence. The hearing officer shall notify the parties and the hearing coordinator by certified mail of the new hearing date and the reason for rescheduling the hearing. If the applicant or eligible individual, or the representative of the applicant or eligible individual, fails to appear at the rescheduled hearing, the hearing officer shall dismiss the appeal. This dismissal shall not be construed as violation of the 60-day limit for holding a hearing since the hearing was scheduled and held but the applicant or eligible individual, or the representative of the applicant or eligible individual, did not appear to present testimony or evidence. The department may review this decision as provided in s. DWD 75.19 .
    (9) Admissibility of evidence or testimony. At the request of either party, the hearing officer may exclude testimony or evidence. The hearing officer may also exclude immaterial, irrelevant or unduly repetitious testimony. A decision to exclude evidence or testimony shall be made on the record and shall include the rationale and arguments used by the hearing officer to exclude the material. The hearing officer may issue reserved rulings on evidence and determine, before the close of the hearing, if the material will be considered in the decision.
    (10) Administering oath. The hearing officer shall swear in the parties and all witnesses. After the roll call, witnesses shall be present in the hearing room only while giving testimony.
    (11) Cross-examination. Cross-examination is not limited to matters to which a party or witness testified on direct examination.
    (12) Preliminary statements by the parties. The hearing officer shall ask the parties to state their names for the record.
    (13) Request for direct testimony, evidence and arguments.
    (a) The hearing officer shall ask the parties to present written and oral statements regarding the facts, issues and desired outcome of the hearing. This includes new information which may not have been available when the original request for a hearing was filed.
    (b) Witnesses may testify either by answering questions posed to them or in narrative form. Written or electronic depositions may also be used with the understanding that a witness may be asked or subpoenaed to appear by the hearing officer based on the information in the deposition.
    (c) Cross-examination is not limited to matters to which a party or witness testified on direct examination.
    (d) The hearing officer shall ensure that the parties have an opportunity to review and comment on all evidence.
    (e) At the request of either party, the hearing officer may exclude the testimony of a witness.
    (14) Direct testimony.
    (a) The hearing officer shall ask the applicant or eligible individual, or the representative of the applicant or eligible individual, to make the first presentation and to question the administrator's representative and witnesses.
    (b) The hearing officer shall ask the administrator's representative to make the second presentation and to question the applicant or eligible individual, or the representative of the applicant or eligible individual, and witnesses.
    (15) Rebuttal and questions. The hearing officer shall give the applicant or eligible individual or the representative of the applicant or eligible individual, the opportunity to make a rebuttal of evidence presented at the hearing and to question the administrator's representative and witnesses and then give the same opportunity to the administrator's representative.
    (16) Closing arguments. The hearing officer shall ask the administrator's representative to present closing arguments and then ask the applicant or eligible individual, or the representative of the applicant or eligible individual, to present closing arguments. Closing arguments may be submitted both as verbal arguments and as written briefs.
    (17) Ending the hearing. The hearing officer shall inform the parties that a written decision will be sent to them by certified mail within 30 calendar days after the date of the hearing and state the date and time in which the hearing was closed.
Cr. Register, December, 1996, No. 492 , eff. 1-1-97; CR 15-055 : am. (1), (3) to (5), (6) (a), (b), (7), (8) (b), (9), (14) (a), (b), (15) to (17) Register May 2016 No. 725 , eff. 6-1-16.


To obtain a copy of the recorded hearing, contact the Hearing Coordinator, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 7852, Madison, Wisconsin 53707 or telephone (800) 442-3477. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 To file a written request for a transcript of the hearing record, contact the Hearing Coordinator, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, P.O. Box 7852, Madison, Wisconsin 53707 or telephone (800) 442-3477. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1