Section 65.03. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • In this chapter:
    (1)  "Act" means the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 USC 701 et seq.
    (2)  "Application" means an application for vocational rehabilitation services.
    (3)  "Category" means a subset of individuals affected by an order of selection. The subset of individuals with the greatest number of severe functional limitations who need multiple services over an extended period of time is served first. The other subsets of individuals with severe or non-severe disabilities are arranged in descending order based on a descending number of severe functional limitations and on the need for multiple services over an extended period of time.
    (4)  "Client" means a person certified by the department as eligible for vocational rehabilitation services under the act.
    (5)  "Communication" means the physical, cognitive and psychological ability to exchange information effectively.
    (6)  "Department" means the Wisconsin department of workforce development.
    (7)  "Division" means the department's division of vocational rehabilitation.
    (8)  "District director" means the supervisor of a division office which provides services under the act.
    (9)  "Employment outcome" means preparing for, obtaining or retaining full or part-time competitive or non-competitive employment consistent with the definition in 29 USC 706 (6).
    (10)  "Extended period of time" means a period of time lasting 12 or more months based on the expected implementation date of an IWRP to the ending date.
    (11)  "Functional limitation" means a measurable impediment in communication, interpersonal skills or acceptance, mobility, self-care, self-direction, work tolerance, or work skill or work history relative to an employment outcome.
    (12)  "Individual with a severe disability" means a client with a severe functional limitation who will need multiple services over an extended period of time within the definition of this term in 29 USC 706 (15).
    (13)  "Individualized written rehabilitation program" or "IWRP" means the individualized written rehabilitation program as described in 29 USC 721 (a) (9) and 722 .
    (14)  "Interpersonal skills or acceptance" means the physical, cognitive and psychological ability to establish and maintain personal, family or community relationships.
    (15)  "Mobility" means the physical, cognitive and psychological ability to move from place to place inside and outside the home.
    (16)  "Multiple services" means more than one primary service purchased or provided with funding under the act as part of an approved IWRP to obtain an appropriate employment outcome.
    (17)  "Order of selection" means the order of priority for service, by category, required by 29 USC 721 (a) (5) (A) to ensure that clients with the most severe functional limitations who need multiple services over an extended period of time are served before clients who have less severe functional limitations and need fewer services over less extended periods of time.
    (18)  "Primary services" means evaluation, counseling and guidance provided by VR staff, physical or mental restoration and training and placement services which would be necessary to reach an approved IWRP goal, but not support services such as maintenance, transportation, personal assistance services or services to family members which are provided only to allow a client to participate in one or more approved primary services.
    (19)  "Self-care" means the physical, cognitive and psychological ability to perform activities of daily living including eating, toileting, grooming, dressing, cooking, shopping, washing, housekeeping, money management and health and safety needs.
    (20)  "Self-direction" means the physical, cognitive and psychological ability to independently plan, initiate, organize, make decisions and carry out daily life activities after self-care needs have been met.
    (21)  "Served" means the development and implementation of a client's IWRP.
    (22)  "State plan for vocational rehabilitation" means the document required by the federal government as a condition for obtaining federal matching funds for vocational rehabilitation services.
    (23)  "State rehabilitation planning and advisory council" means the committee appointed by the governor under 29 USC 705 .
    (24)  "Suspended case" means a client for whom the development and implementation of an IWRP has been delayed due to the imposition or continuation of an order of selection.
    (25)  "Vocational rehabilitation counselor" means the department employe who collects documentation regarding an applicant's disability, makes recommendations regarding eligibility for vocational rehabilitation services based on that record, and develops and implements a client's IWRP.
    (26)  "Work skills or work history" means the physical, cognitive and psychological ability to demonstrate work skills, work experience, necessary to obtain and maintain appropriate employment.
    (27)  "Work tolerance" means the physical, cognitive and psychological capacity to meet the demands of the workplace regardless of the work skills already possessed by an individual.
History: Cr. Register, October, 1994, No. 466 , 12-1-94.