Section 147.05. Application.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Who may apply. An applicant for a grant may be:
    (a) A public agency;
    (b) A nonprofit corporation;
    (c) An institution; or
    (d) An individual.
    (2) Solicitation.
    (a) The department shall solicit applications for initial grants by preparing one or more RFPs, publishing legal notice of the availability of the RFPs in the official state newspaper, and distributing copies of the RFPs upon request.
    (b) The department may solicit applications for continuation grants from currently-funded projects in a form determined by the department to be appropriate for the projects.
    (3) Making application.
    (a) Parties considering making application for a grant shall give notice to the department of intent to apply. Notice shall be given in the form and according to the instructions given in the relevant RFP or continuation grant application instructions.
    (b) An application for a grant shall be made in accordance with the format specified in the relevant RFP or continuation grant application instructions.
    (c) An application for a grant shall be submitted to the department, as specified in the appropriate RFP or continuation grant application instructions, by the deadline shown in the RFP or continuation grant application instructions.
    (4) Content of an application. The department shall specify in each RFP or set of continuation grant application materials the format of and the required elements to be included in an application for these funds.
    (5) Review of applications.
    (a) Preliminary review. The department shall review all applications for a grant for compliance with the format and content specifications of the relevant RFP or continuation grant application instructions. The department may reject any application failing to meet the specifications published in the RFP. Rejection of an application for failure to meet form and content specifications is not subject to appeal.
    (b) Final review.
    1. A review committee or review committees consisting of individuals selected by the department shall evaluate applications for initial and continuation grants. The number and expertise of members of a review committee or committees shall be determined by the department based on the nature and number of the applications anticipated, as determined by notices of intent received under sub. (3) (a) .
    2. The review committee or committees shall review applications for initial or continuation grants in accordance with the criteria specified in the relevant RFP or continuation grant application materials. Criteria may include, depending upon the nature of the service being solicited, but are not limited to, target population, purposes and objectives of the proposed project, scientific merit, reasonableness of the proposed budget and budget justification, evaluation plans, success in achieving previously-stated objectives, evidence of cooperation with other agencies and organizations in the proposed service area and the stated qualifications of the applicant.
History: Register, April, 1989, No. 400 , eff. 5-1-89.


Prospective applicants may ask to be placed on a mailing list of parties to be sent future RFPs by writing the Division of Public Health, Bureau of Community Health Promotion, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1