Section 124.07. Employee health.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Employee health program. The hospital shall have an employee health program under the direction of a physician.
    (2) Preemployment health assessment. The hospital's employee health program shall include a preemployment health assessment for all prospective employees and for all persons who provide contractual services to the hospital who will have frequent and direct contact with patients. The assessment shall be completed and the results known prior to the assumption of duties by persons who will have direct contact with patients. The assessment shall consist of, at minimum:
    (a) A health history, including a history of communicable diseases and immunizations;
    (b) A physical examination by a physician, physician's assistant or registered nurse; and
    (c) A Mantoux tuberculin skin test consisting of 5 tuberculin units (TU) of purified protein derivative (PPD) and, if necessary, a chest roentgenogram to determine whether disease is present, unless medically contraindicated. Persons with positive findings shall be referred to a physician for evaluation.
    (3) Health history for volunteers. The hospital's employee health program shall include, for volunteers, the taking of a health history of communicable diseases and immunizations before they may assume duties which involve direct patient care.
    (4) Protection against rubella. The hospital's employee health program shall include vaccination or confirmed immunity against rubella for everyone who has direct contact with rubella patients, pediatric patients or female patients of childbearing age. No individual without documented vaccination against or immunity to rubella may be placed in a position in which he or she has direct contact with rubella patients, pediatric patients or female patients of childbearing age, except that individuals placed in these positions before February 1, 1988 shall have one year after February 1, 1988 to comply with this requirement, and that individuals newly placed in these positions on or after February 1, 1988 shall have 30 days after they begin working in these positions to comply with this requirement.
    (5) Periodic health assessment. The hospital's employee health program shall include a periodic health assessment consisting of at least the procedures listed under sub. (2) for all hospital employees and persons providing contractual services to the hospital who have frequent and direct contact with patients. The interval and extent of health assessments shall be determined by the employee's previous health status, exposure to occupational disease risk factors and whether the employee has recently returned to work following serious illness or injury. The frequency of repeat tuberculin skin test screening for negative reactors shall depend on the risk of an employee becoming infected. Tuberculin converters and contacts and other high risk reactors who are unable to take preventive treatment shall be instructed to promptly report the presence of symptoms. Routine, repeated roentgenograms are not recommended.
    (6) Records of health assessments. The hospital's employee health program shall include maintenance of an updated record of each employee's health assessments.