Section 74.13. Fair collection practice notice.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  Unless the initial communication is written and contains the following notice or the debtor has paid the debt, a licensee shall send the debtor the following notice within 5 days after the initial communication with a debtor: "This collection agency is licensed by the Division of Banking in the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, ." This notice shall be in at least 8 point type and shall be typed or printed on either a collection notice or on the validation of any debt directed to the debtor by the licensee pursuant to Section 809 of the Federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
    (2)  Where the notice required by sub. (1) is printed on the reverse side of any collection notice or validation sent by the licensee, the front of such notice shall bear the following statement in not less than 8 point type: "Notice: See Reverse Side for Important Information."