A Sanitary Standards And Accepted Practices  

Latest version.
  • The following 3-A standards and 3-A accepted practices establish criteria for the sanitary construction and operation of dairy handling and processing equipment. These standards are published by the "3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc., 1451 Dolley Madison Boulevard, Suite 210, McLean, VA 22101-3850, website www.3-A.org , Telephone: (703) 790-0295, Fax: (703) 761-6284. Copies are on file with the department and the reviser of statutes. Copies may be obtained from "3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc. Online Store" at http://www.techstreet.com .
    You may also search, order and download standards (in PDF format) by visiting http://www.3-A.org . - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF