Wisconsin Administrative Code (Last Updated: January 10, 2017) |
Agency ATCP. Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection |
Chapters 20-54. Agricultural Resource Management |
Chapter 40. Fertilizer And Related Products |
Appendix C
Latest version.
- NON-NUTRIENT METALS; PROHIBITED CONCENTRATIONSProducts Derived from Organic SourcesIf a soil or plant additive is derived from materials that are at least 80% organic matter on a dry weight basis, the concentration of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, nickel or selenium in that product may not exceed the maximum concentration specified for that metal in 40 CFR 503 .Soil or Plant Additive Less than 80% OrganicIf a soil or plant additive is derived from materials that are less than 80% organic matter on a dry weight basis, the product may not contain any metal shown in Table C-1 in a concentration that exceeds the maximum concentration shown in Table C-1:Table C-1METAL CONTAMINATION LIMITS FOR SOIL OR PLANT ADDITIVESDERIVED FROM SOURCE LESS THAN 80% ORGANIC - See PDF for table