Section 145.01. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
    (1)  "Affected producer" means any individual, partnership, corporation, or other business entity engaged as an owner or tenant in the growing of soybeans within this state and selling soybeans in commercial channels.
    (2)  "Bushel" means 60 pounds of soybeans.
    (3)  "District" means an area of the state as defined in s. ATCP 145.03 from which representatives are elected to serve on the marketing board.
    (4)  "Handler" means any person including a dealer, agent, or producer engaged in the business of buying soybeans from affected producers and placing the soybeans into commercial channels.
    (5)  "Marketing board" or "board" means a ch. 181 , Stats. , non-stock corporation consisting of affected producers elected to serve as board members and having the duties described in this order.
    (6)  "Producer-handler" means an affected producer who sells soybeans to a non-resident handler.
    (7)  "Secretary" means the secretary of the state of Wisconsin department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
    (8)  "Soybeans" means all varieties of Glycine max or Glycine soya.