Section 141.07. Reports.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  Each producer shall maintain accurate records of all cherry production. Producer records shall include, but may not be limited to, quantity and disposition of cherry production. Each handler shall maintain accurate records and accounts of all cherries purchased from affected producers. Handler records shall include, but may not be limited to, names and addresses of each producer from whom cherries were purchased, quantities of cherries purchased, and the dates title to the cherries was taken and payments made. Each handler, producer, and producer-handler shall maintain and submit reports to the marketing board as the secretary or the marketing board may require as often as necessary to ensure compliance with this order and proper collection of assessments.
    (2)  The secretary may require the marketing board to provide information necessary for enforcement of ch. 96 , Stats. , or this order.
History: Cr. Register, June, 1984, No. 342 , eff. 7-1-84.