Section 92.82. Mobile home — general.  

Latest version.
  • A person who is a tenant or an owner of a mobile home shall meet the same eligibility requirements and is entitled to the same replacement payment provisions applicable for a person displaced from a conventional dwelling, except as specified under this section. The ownership or tenancy of the mobile home, not the land on which it is located shall determine a person's status as an owner or tenant occupant. The length of ownership and occupancy of the mobile home in a mobile home park, or on the site, determines a person's status as an 180-day owner or a 90-day owner or tenant.
    (1) Permanent foundation. An agency shall treat a person who owns and occupies a mobile home on a permanent foundation the same as a person displaced from a conventional dwelling, except the selected comparable shall be a mobile home and site.
    (2) Non-permanent foundation.
    (a) An agency shall treat a person who owns and occupies a mobile home not on a permanent foundation on land a person owns or rents, the same as a person displaced from a conventional dwelling, provided one of the following conditions exist:
    1. The mobile home is not decent, safe and sanitary as specified under s. Adm 92.04 ;
    2. The mobile home, because of its condition, cannot be moved without substantial damage or cost;
    3. There is no adequate or available site to move the mobile home.
    (b) The acquisition price for the purpose of computing a replacement housing payment shall be the trade-in or salvage value of the mobile home, when the mobile home is not acquired by the agency.
    (3) Combined purchase and site rental payment. An agency shall pay a person who owns and occupies a mobile home and rents the site, a payment for the increased cost to rent a comparable mobile home site or the necessary downpayment on the purchase of a comparable mobile home site, in addition to the amount necessary to purchase a comparable mobile home as specified under this chapter.
    (4) Mobile home park fee. An agency shall include a fee in the replacement or rental assistance payment, when a person is required to pay a fee to enter a mobile home park provided the fee is legally permitted and is not returnable to a person.
    (5) Partial acquisition of mobile home park. A person occupying a mobile home who is required to move from the mobile home park as a result of partial acquisition and displacement of the park operator, shall be a displaced person under this section.
    (6) Comparable based on conventional housing. A replacement payment shall be based on a conventionally built comparable dwelling when there is no comparable mobile home available.
Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363 , eff. 4-1-86; correction in (2) (a) 1., made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, April, 1996, No. 484 ; correction in (2) (a) 1. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672 .