Section 1.16. Standards for review of applications by organizations and units of government.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Artistic quality. Applications are reviewed according to artistic excellence and leadership. Factors to be considered may include the following:
    (a) Service to the organization's principal art form including the presentation of new works, the encouragement or development of new artists, or the preservation of artistic heritage.
    (b) Serving as an example of excellence for others, setting standards, or recognition and impact in the community, region, state, and nation.
    (c) Uniqueness of artistic service, in nature or method.
    (d) Variety of programming.
    (e) Qualifications and achievements of artistic personnel.
    (f) Track record of producing work of artistic merit.
    (2) Review. Each application from an organization or unit of government is reviewed according to the following standards:
    (a) The applicant's financial condition, including the following:
    1. The applicant's total fiscal condition showing operating income and expenses.
    2. The applicant's proposed budget for the fiscal year of grant, including projections of all increases or decreases in income and explanations for all significant changes in income or expenses from the applicant's previous fiscal year.
    3. The applicant's ownership of physical plant.
    4. The remunerative value of the applicant's artistic programming and services.
    5. Potential growth areas in the applicant's income sources.
    6. Special short-range conditions or considerations including, but not limited to, special fundraising, changes of artistic or administrative leadership, changes of location, and building programs.
    7. The applicant's ability to sustain a short-term financial short fall.
    8. Potential sources of long-term financial stability or growth potential, including endowments and capital funds.
    (b) The applicant's capability to plan and implement artistic and fundraising activities, including the following:
    1. The qualifications and responsibilities of artistic staff.
    2. The qualifications and responsibilities of administrative staff.
    3. The applicant's employment practices, including levels of compensation, methods of recruitment, and standards for recruitment.
    4. The applicant's organizational structure, including the division of responsibilities and established procedures for review and decision-making.
    5. The applicant's board of directors and their organizational and community roles.
    6. The applicant's track record of responsible and productive use of board grant funds.
    7. The applicant's long-range or strategic planning.
    (c) The applicant's involvement in and support by the community, including:
    1. The composition of the applicant's board of directors, including their affiliations with community interest groups and access to community resources.
    2. The organizational roles of board members.
    3. The applicant's artistic accessibility to the general public as demonstrated by touring, publications, recordings, films, broadcasting, promotional materials, special and nontraditional programming, efforts to serve special constituencies, and discounts on tickets.
    4. The applicant's physical accessibility to persons with disabilities.
    5. The applicant's awareness of the size and distribution of its audience, including demographic profiles of the audience by age, income, occupation, and other data; audience feedback regarding artistic programs and services; statistics for subscribers or regular members or both; analyses of the audience composition and profitability of programming according to the type and location of programming.
    6. The role of educational activities within the overall operations of the applicant.
    7. The applicant's collaboration with schools and colleges; services in schools; services to students at the organization's headquarters; and services to educators.