Section 56.03. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The words and phrases defined in ch. 114 , Stats. , have the same meaning in this chapter unless a different definition is specifically provided. In this chapter:
    (1)  "Adverse impact" means an increased level of risk to a pilot flying in navigable airspace, degradation of safety, increased risk to the safe operation of aircraft in airport traffic patterns, approaches and departures, or other action affecting aviation that is harmful to the public interest.
    (2)  "AGL" means above ground level.
    (3)  "AMSL" means above mean sea level.
    (4)  "Applicant" means any person proposing to erect any structure that would exceed the limitations expressed in s. 114.135 (7) , Stats.
    (5)  "Cardinal altitude" means an altitude which commences at 2,000 AMSL and increases in 500 increments.
    (6)  "Erect" or "erection" means to raise or construct any building, structure, tower or other object, or increase the height of any existing building, structure, tower or other object.
    (7)  "FAA" means federal aviation administration.
    (8)  "FCC" means the federal communications commission.
    (9)  "Navigable airspace" means that airspace suitable for transit by aircraft in accordance with 14 CFR part 91 .
    (10)  "Public airport" means any airport open to the regular use of the general public, without prior permission.
    (11)  "Secretary" means the secretary of the department of transportation.
    (12)  "Structure" means any building, structure, tower or other object.
    (13)  "Tower farm" means a grouping of tall towers in clusters.
    (14)  "VFR" means visual flight rule.
    (15)  "VFR corridor" means a commonly used route identified by clearly discernible ground references including, but not limited to, railroad tracks, interstate highways, rivers or shorelines.
    (16)  "Victor airway" means a very high frequency omnidirectional range federal airway.
History: Cr. Register, June, 1994, No. 462 , eff. 7-1-94.