Section 177.09. Revocation or suspension of authorities and permits.

Latest version.
  • (1)  The department, pursuant to s. 194.46 , Stats., may revoke or suspend an authority or permit issued under ch. 194 , Stats. , if the department determines that any of the following exist:
    (a) The carrier does not have on file with the department proof of continuous bond or insurance coverage in the amounts specified in s. 194.41 , Stats., or ch. Trans 176 or has not maintained a continuous exemption from insurance undertaking granted by the department as provided for in s. 194.42 , Stats.
    (b) The carrier is unfit to carry on operations by reason of noncompliance with department motor carrier safety regulations.
    (c) The carrier is unfit to carry on operations by reason of its reliability and service records.
    (d) The carrier has failed to pay any fees or taxes due the department.
    (2)  For purposes of sub. (1) (b) and (c) , a pattern of safety violations or a pattern of unreliable or inadequate service shall be sufficient to warrant suspension or revocation of an authority or permit.
    (3)  Any authority suspended under this section shall be reinstated upon expiration of the suspension period. In the case of a permit suspended under this section, the permit shall be reinstated upon expiration of the suspension period except in the case where the permit itself has expired. A carrier whose authority has been revoked under this section may apply for a new authority in the manner provided for in s. Trans 177.04 one year from the date of revocation.
    (4)  A carrier may appeal the department's adverse determination relating to the carrier's application or authority within 30 days of the determination to the division of hearings and appeals.