Section 1.07. Transcripts.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  A stenographic, electronic or other record of oral proceedings shall be made by the office. A written transcript of the record shall be prepared only as deemed necessary by the office, and unless otherwise prepared by the office for its own use, shall not be prepared at the specific request of any person unless needed by that person for appeal or court review purposes, or other valid reasons.
    (2)  Except as otherwise provided by statute, if a transcript has been prepared by the office for its own use, copies may be furnished to all interested parties upon payment of a fee of 15 cents for each page. If no transcript of the record has been prepared by the office and a specific request for a transcript is made, the party making the request shall be responsible for all reasonable costs incurred by the office in transcribing the record and in preparation of the transcript. Any party who on the basis of a verified petition can establish to the satisfaction of the office the need for a transcript and financial inability to pay for a copy may be furnished a copy free of cost. No fee shall be assessed against government bodies.
    (3)  If a proceeding has been recorded, the office may substitute a copy of the tapes for a transcript request if no petition for judicial review has been filed. The cost per tape shall be an amount set by the office based on the actual total cost and paid in advance, unless otherwise provided by statute.
History: Cr. Register, October, 1982, No. 322 , eff. 11-1-82; am. Register, August, 1986, No. 368 , eff. 9-1-86; am. (3), Register, February, 1999, No. 518 , eff. 3-1-99.


Note: The cost per tape is $12.00. This amount is subject to change. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1