Section 7.055. Transfer of prescription order information.  

Latest version.
  • (1) General requirements. A pharmacist may transfer prescription order information between pharmacies licensed in this state or another state, for the purpose of original or refill dispensing, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
    (a) The transfer is communicated directly between 2 pharmacists either by verbal transfer or by a computer system transfer meeting the requirements of sub. (4) . Communication by facsimile machine is not allowed unless the prescription order information being transferred is verified verbally between 2 pharmacists.
    (b) A computer system used to record a verbal transfer of prescription order information for a non-controlled substance meets the requirements of s. Phar 7.05 (1) (a) and (b) .
    (c) The pharmacist receiving the verbal transfer of prescription order information for either a controlled or a non-controlled substance records the transferred information in writing unless a computer system transfer meeting the requirements of sub. (4) is used.
    (d) All original and transferred prescription orders are maintained for a period of 5 years from the date of the last refill.
    (e) A written copy of any prescription order for a prescribed drug provided by a pharmacist is identified in writing as "COPY – FOR INFORMATION ONLY." No prescribed drug may be dispensed based on an information copy.
    (f) A pharmacist making or receiving a transfer of prescription order information is licensed in the state in which he or she performs an act required by this section.
    (2) Non-controlled substances. The transfer of prescription order information for non-controlled substances for the purposes of original or refill dispensing is permissible pursuant to the following requirements:
    (a) The pharmacist making the transfer records the following information:
    1. The word "VOID" is written on the face of the invalidated prescription order or recorded in a similar manner to "VOID" on a prescription order in a computer system meeting the requirements of s. Phar 7.05 (1) (a) and (b) .
    2. The name and address of the pharmacy to which it was transferred, the name of the pharmacist receiving the prescription order, the date and the name of the pharmacist transferring the information are recorded on the reverse side of the invalidated prescription order or in a computer system meeting the requirements of s. Phar 7.05 (1) (a) and (b) .
    3. A transfer of prescription order information for a non-controlled substance for the purposes of refill dispensing is limited to the number of authorized refills.
    (b) The pharmacist receiving the transferred prescription order information shall record in writing the following:
    1. The word "TRANSFER" on the face of the transferred prescription order.
    2. The name and address of the patient, the name and address of the prescribing practitioner, and the name and quantity and dosage form of the drug product or device prescribed and the directions for use.
    3. The date of issuance of the original prescription order.
    4. The original number of refills authorized on the original prescription order.
    5. The date of original dispensing if the prescription order has previously been dispensed.
    6. The number of valid refills remaining and the date of the last refill.
    7. The pharmacy's name, address, and the prescription order number from which the prescription order information was transferred.
    8. The name of the pharmacist making the transfer.
    9. The name, address and telephone number of the pharmacy from which the original prescription order was transferred if different than subd. 7.
    (3) Controlled substances. The transfer of prescription order information for controlled substances for the purposes of refill dispensing is permissible pursuant to the following requirements:
    (a) The transfer of prescription order information is permissible only on a one time basis unless a computer system meeting the requirements of sub. (4) is used.
    (b) If a computer system meeting the requirements of sub. (4) is used, a transfer of prescription order information for the purposes of refill dispensing is limited to the number of authorized refills.
    (c) Unless a computer system meeting the requirements of sub. (4) is used, the pharmacist making the transfer shall record in writing the following information:
    1. The word "VOID" is written on the face of the invalidated prescription order.
    2. The name, address and DEA registration number of the pharmacy to which it was transferred, the name of the pharmacist receiving the prescription order and the date and the name of the pharmacist transferring the information are recorded on the reverse side of the invalidated prescription order.
    (d) Unless a computer system meeting the requirements of sub. (4) is used, the pharmacist receiving the transferred prescription order information shall record in writing the following information:
    1. The word "TRANSFER" on the face of the transferred prescription order.
    2. The name and address of the patient, the name, address and DEA number of the prescribing practitioner, and the name and quantity and dosage form of the drug product or device prescribed and the directions for use.
    3. The date of issuance of the original prescription order.
    4. The original number of refills authorized on the original prescription order.
    5. The date of original dispensing.
    6. The number of valid refills remaining and the dates and locations of previous refills, if applicable.
    7. The name, address, telephone number, DEA registration number and prescription order number of the pharmacy from which the prescription order information was transferred if different from the pharmacy from which the prescription order was originally dispensed.
    8. The name of the pharmacist making the transfer.
    9. The name, address, telephone number, DEA registration number and prescription order number of the pharmacy from which the prescription order was originally dispensed.
    (4) Use of computer system. A computer system used for transferring prescription order information shall, in addition to meeting the requirements of s. Phar 7.05 (1) (a) and (b) , contain a common central processing unit electronically sharing a real-time, on-line database to which both the transferring and receiving pharmacy have access.
CR 05-078 : cr. Register January 2006 No. 601 , eff. 2-1-06. Note: See the table of Appellate Court Citations for Wisconsin appellate cases citing s. Phar 7.055 .