Section 114.234. Clearance of wires, conductors, cables, and equipment from buildings, bridges, rail cars, swimming pools, and other installations.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Vertical and horizontal clearances. [NESC 234C1a, p. 118] (Change) Change paragraph (1) (a) to read:
    (a) Clearances. Unguarded or accessible wires, conductors, cables, or rigid live parts may be located adjacent to buildings, signs, billboards, chimneys, radio and television antenna, tanks, flagpoles and flags, banners and other installations and any projections therefrom. The vertical and horizontal clearances of such rigid and nonrigid parts shall be not less than the values in Table 234-1 when at rest under the conditions specified in Rule 234A1.These facilities may be installed beside, over or under buildings, building projections and other installation, as illustrated in Figs. 234-1(a) and 234-1(b) and 234-1(c). Buildings, signs, billboards, chimneys, radio and television antennas, tanks, flagpoles and flags, banners and other installations and any projections therefrom shall not be located near existing wires, conductors, cables or rigid live parts if doing so results in clearances less than the values given in Table 234-1.
    (2) Transmission lines over dwelling units. [Follows NESC 234C1b, p. 119] (Addition) Add the following paragraph c:
    c. Transmission lines over dwelling units.
    No utility may construct conductors of supply lines designed to operate at voltages in excess of 35 kV over any portion of a dwelling unit. This provision also applies to line conductors in their wind-displaced position as defined in Rule 234A2.
    (3) Supply conductors attached to buildings or other installations. [NESC 234C3d, p.119] (Change) Change Exception 2(a) to read:
    (4) Clearance of lines near stored materials. [Follows NESC 234C5, p. 120] (Addition) Add the following paragraph 6 and note:
    (5) Clearance of lines near fuel storage tanks. [Follows NESC 234C5, p. 120] (Addition) Add the following paragraph 7 and exceptions 1 and 2:
    (6) Clearance of lines near wells. [Follows NESC 234C5, p. 120] (Addition) Add the following paragraph 8 and exception:
    (7) Clearance of lines near antennas. [Follows NESC 234C5, p. 120] (Addition) Add the following paragraph heading 9 and note:
    (8) Swimming pools. [NESC 234E1, p. 121] (Addition) Add the following sentence to the beginning of paragraph E1:
    (9) Grain bins loaded by permanently installed augers, conveyers, or elevator systems. [Follows NESC 234F1, p. 122] (Addition) Add Exception and Note to read:
    (10) Table PSC 114.234-l. [NESC Table 234-l, pp. 130-133 (metric) and pp. 134-137 (feet)] C learance of wires, conductors, cables, and unguarded rigid live parts adjacent but not attached to buildings and other installations except bridges. (Changes, deletions and additions).
    (a) Table PSC ll4.234-l Metric contains the following changes and additions to NESC Table 234-1 Metric:
    1. The value in Item (Row) 1.b.(1), Column 2 is revised from "0.90" to "2.45".
    2. The value in Item (Row) 1.b.(1), Column 3 is revised from "1.07" to "2.45".
    3. Add Footnote 17, which reads as follows:
    4. The reference to Footnote 17 is added to the values in Item (Row) 1.b.(1), Columns 2 and 3.
    (b) Table PSC 114.234-1 Feet contains the following changes, deletions and additions to NESC Table 234-1 Feet:
    1. The value in Item (Row) 1.b.(1), Column 2 is revised from "3.0" to "8.0."
    2. The value in Item (Row) 1.b.(1), Column 3 is revised from "3.5" to "8.0."
    3. Add Footnote 17, which reads as follows:
    4. The reference to Footnote 17 is added to the values in Item (Row) 1.b.(1), Columns 2 and 3.
CR 07-021 : cr. Register January 2008 No. 625 , eff. 2-1-08; CR 13-039 : r. and recr. Register June 2014 No. 702 , eff. 7-1-14; cr. PSC 114.234 (title) under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 2. , Stats., renum. (1) to (10) from PSC 114.234C1a, 114.234C1c, 114.234C3d, 114.234C6, 114.234C7, 114.234C8, 114.234C9, 114.234E1, and 114.234F1 under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 2. , Stats., Register March 2015 No. 711 .


It is the intent under s. SPS 316.225(6) that the public not construct any portion of a dwelling unit under such lines. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 The term "dwelling unit" has the meaning given in ch. SPS 316 , which adopts by reference the definitions in NEC-2008. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 See s. SPS 316.225(6) Clearance Over Buildings and Other Structures, which refers to ch. PSC 114 regarding clearance of conductors over 600 volts and the prohibition of dwellings under or near overhead lines. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Exception 2(a): 2.45 m (8 feet). This clearance may be reduced to 0.90 m (3 ft) for supply conductors limited to 300 volts to ground and communication conductors and cables if the roof has a slope of not less than 1 (vertical) to 3 (horizontal). Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 6. Clearance of Lines Near Stored Materials Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Lines, under wind-displaced conditions stated in Rule 234A2, shall not be run over designated material storage areas where material is regularly stored and handled by cranes, dump trucks, elevators or other types of high machinery unless the clearance of such lines is adequate to permit full use of the equipment. Material which requires the use of such high machinery shall not be stored near or under existing lines. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 See NESC Rule 234F for Grain Bin clearances. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 7. Clearance of Supply Lines Near Fuel Storage Tanks Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Supply lines shall not be run over above-ground flammable liquids and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage tanks. A horizontal clearance of not less than 2.45 m (8 ft) with cables at rest, and not less than 1.80 m (6 ft) with cables displaced by wind according to Rule 234A2, shall be maintained between above-ground flammable liquids and liquefied petroleum gas storage tanks and supply cables of all voltages meeting Rule 230C. A horizontal clearance of not less than 4.6 m (15 ft) with conductors at rest, and not less than 3.0 m (10 ft) with conductors displaced by wind according to Rule 234A2, shall be maintained between such fuel storage tanks and all other supply conductors. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Exception 1: These requirements do not apply to liquefied petroleum gas tanks with a capacity of 1,000 gallons or less. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Exception 2: These requirements do not apply to tanks enclosed in a building or fully covered by a roof or canopy capable of preventing falling overhead supply conductors from directly contacting the tank. In this case, the vertical and horizontal clearance requirements of conductors from buildings apply. See Rule 234C. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 8. Clearance of Open Supply Lines Near Wells Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Open supply lines shall not be run over wells. A horizontal clearance with conductors at rest of no less than 3/4 of the vertical clearance of the conductors to ground required by Rule 232, and a horizontal clearance of not less than 3.0 m (10 ft) with conductors displaced by wind according to Rule 234A2, shall be maintained between open supply conductors and wells. Persons installing such wells shall also comply with this requirement. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Exception: This rule does not apply to Groundwater Monitoring Wells defined in Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 141 provided such wells are installed using hydraulic push methods, such as a Geoprobe type rig (The vertical clearance required for a Geoprobe is typically less than 10 feet.) and where sampling is accomplished using a bailer or a submersible pump attached to flexible tubing. This exception is not intended to apply to monitoring wells installed with drilling rigs that are taller than 14 feet or sampling methods that require sections of piping (steel or plastic pipe). Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 9. Clearance of lines near antennas Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Besides the applicable clearances of Rule 234C, additional requirements with respect to the proximity of antennas to power and communications lines are found in Wisconsin Building Code (Antenna Setback and Antenna Support, IBC Chapter 31 , Sections 3108.1, 3108.2 and 3108.4). Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 1. Swimming Pools Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Pools and appurtenances shall not be placed under or near existing service-drop conductors or any other overhead wiring; nor shall such wiring be installed over a swimming pool or the surrounding area unless such installation complies with the clearances or the exceptions specified in NESC Rule 234E1. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Exception: Farm silos that are loaded by a blower through a vertical metal tube permanently attached to the side of the structure are not considered grain bins. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Typical cylindrical farm silos are considered buildings for the purposes of this code and the clearance requirements of NESC Rule 234C, as amended herein, would apply. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 17 This clearance may be reduced to 0.90 m for supply conductors limited to 300 V to ground and communications conductors and cables if the roof has a slope of not less than 1 (vertical) to 3 (horizontal). Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 17 This clearance may be reduced to 3 ft for supply conductors limited to 300 V to ground and communications conductors and cables if the roof has a slope of not less than 1 (vertical) to 3 (horizontal). Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1