Section 668.37. Waste specific prohibitions — ignitable and corrosive characteristic wastes whose treatment standards were vacated.  

Latest version.
  • Effective August 9, 1993, wastes specified in s. NR 661.21 as D001, which are not in the high TOC ignitable liquids subcategory, and specified in s. NR 661.22 as D002, which are managed in systems other than those whose discharge is regulated under ch. 283 , Stats. , or in systems that are zero dischargers that engage in CWA-equivalent treatment before ultimate land disposal, are prohibited from land disposal. CWA-equivalent treatment means biological treatment for organics, alkaline chlorination or ferrous sulfate precipitation for cyanide, precipitation/sedimentation for metals, reduction of hexavalent chromium, or other treatment technology that can be demonstrated to perform equally or greater than these technologies.