Section 548.06. Financial assistance.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Award calculation.
    (a) The award may not exceed 50% of actual eligible costs.
    (b) No award may exceed $150,000.
    (c) At the discretion of the department, the award may be based upon the weight or equivalent volume of solid waste anticipated to be diverted from disposal at land disposal facilities, but not to exceed the amount specified in par. (b) .
    (2) Grantee's matching share. The grant recipient's share of the total eligible costs of the project shall be at least 25% and may be a cash or in kind contribution. The remaining 25% of the grantee's matching contribution may be from other sources.
    (3) Grant payment.
    (a) Initial payments. The department may disburse 75% of the total amount of the grant after the applicant has accepted the grant offer and has submitted an advance payment request.
    (b) Final payment. The remaining 25% of the grant may be paid to the grantee upon approval of the final report as required by s. NR 548.09 (2) and the final accounting of project expenditures. The grantee shall submit the final payment request within 60 days after project completion or the end of the grant period, whichever occurs first.
    (c) Any unexpended grant monies shall be returned to the department within 60 days after expiration of the grant period.
History: Cr. Register, July, 1991, No. 427 , eff. 8-1-91.