Section 47.966. Grants.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Grant calculation.
    (a) A m atching grant provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av) , Stats., or other state funds shall be no m ore than 75% of the actual eligible costs depending on the availability of fund s , except under par. (c) . If a federal or nonprofit organization grant agree m ent provides for cost-share li m itations different from those specified in this subsection, the cost-share rate from funds provided through the federal or nonprofit organization grant agree m ent m ay app l y.
    (b) A grant under the program m ay not exceed $15,000.00 to any W MG excluding a rapid response practice.
    (c) A grant or portion of a grant awarded for work on prohibited species or ear l y detection species m ay be up to 100% of the actual eligible costs depending on the availabili t y of funds.
    (2) Grant selection system. In selecting practices for grant assistance , the depart m ent shall give preference to projects which include the following , which are not listed in order of priorit y :
    (a) Work on the control of prohibited invasive plant species as identified in ch. NR 40 .
    (b) Work on the control of invasive plant species.
    (c) Nonindustrial private f orest land not heavily infested with invasive plant species.
    (d) Nonindustrial private forest land where invasive plant species identified in the application m ay be contained or eradicated.
    (e) Long term m anage m ent plan use or develop m ent.
    (f) A W MA includes m ore than the land owned by one person participating.
    (3) Application and approval.
    (a) The application deadline is April 1 unless otherwise provided on the application form and is contingent upon availability of funds. State funds for this program other than those provided through s. 20.370 (5) (av) , Stats., federal funds awarded pursuant to a federal grant agree m ent and nonprofit funds awarded pursuant to a nonprofit organization grant agree m ent m ay speci f y other application deadlines. Applications for rapid response practices can be applied for at a n y ti m e.
    (b) The depart m ent shall make basic eligibility deter m inations upon receipt of an application, including whether the person participating m eets nonindustrial private forest land ownership criteria and m axi m um acreage criteria. The depart m ent deter m ines the a m ount awarded to each applicant.
    (c) A W MG m ay on l y apply once per y ear, except that a W MG m ay apply a n y nu m ber of ti m es per y ear for a rapid response practice.
    (d) Annual l y , the depart m ent m ay designate a perc e ntage of the total annual funds for:
    1. Rapid response practices.
    2. Practices that acco m plish objectives or groups of objectives identified under sub. (2) (a ) .
    (e) The depart m ent shall review applications to determine practice eligibilit y , based on all of the following:
    1. The practice is needed and feasible.
    2. The practice is eligible under this subchapter.
    3. The practice cost is deter m ined to be at least $200 or m ore.
    (f) Applications will be approved provided grant funds are available. Depart m ent approval of an application shall constitute an agree m ent between the state and the W MG.
    (g) Upon approval of a practice, the landowner shall be notified in writing by the depart m ent or its agent.
    (h) Grant awards will be deter m ined by the depart m ent based on eligibili t y and availabili t y of funds.
    (i) The depart m ent shall deter m ine the award date upon approval.


Applications can be obtained from the department of natural resources Forestry Invasive Plant Coordinato r , P.O. 7921, Madison, W I 53707-7921 and online at . Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1