Section 60.03. Committee of operators.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  There shall be an elected committee of operators to actively participate with the department in the administration of the business enterprise program. The department shall call and conduct elections of committee members. Only operators may nominate candidates and only operators may vote for committee members. All operators shall be given the opportunity to vote for committee members.
    (2)  The committee shall have not less than 5 members nor more than 9 members, all elected by the operators. Elections shall be held each year. Each member shall serve a term of 2 years, except that at the first election at least 2 members shall be elected for 1 year terms.
    (3)  The committee shall meet at least 4 times a year to carry out its responsibilities.
    (4)  The department shall communicate with the committee and receive communications from the committee on matters within the purview of the committee.
    (5)  Committee responsibilities shall include but are not limited to:
    (a) Active participation with the department in its work of making major administrative decisions and policy and program development decisions affecting the overall administration of the business enterprise program;
    (b) Receiving and transmitting grievances to the department at the request of blind licensees and serving as an advocate for these licensees in connection with their grievances;
    (c) Active participation with the department in the development and administration of a system for transfer and promotion of operators;
    (d) Active participation with the department in development of operator training and retraining programs;
    (e) Sponsoring, with the assistance of the department, meetings and instructional conferences for operators within the state;
    (f) Active participation with the department, on at least an annual basis, in establishing the amount of set-aside funds needed for the coming year and the subsequent charges to arrive at that amount. The department shall maintain adequate records to support the reasonableness of the charges for each purpose for which the funds are spent;
    (g) Active participation with the department in updating and making other revisions in the format of the operator's agreement and in this chapter. (See ch. DWD 60 Appendix .)
    (6)  The committee may delegate any of its work to subcommittees or individual committee members.
History: Cr. Register, May, 1983, No. 329 , eff. 6-1-83.