Section 163.10. Certification of an individual.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Requirement. Except as provided under par. (d) , an individual shall follow work practice requirements and meet all other responsibilities under this chapter and, except as provided under pars. (c) and (d) , shall also be certified by the department under this subchapter and shall be associated with a certified lead company or lead-safe company through ownership, employment or contract to do any of the following:
    (a) Perform, supervise or offer to perform or supervise a lead abatement activity or lead investigation activity involving one of the following:
    1. A child-occupied facility or the real property on which the child-occupied facility stands.
    2. Target housing or the real property on which the target housing stands when one of the following applies:
    a. The individual performing the work does not own the target housing or real property.
    b. An individual other than the property owner or the property owner's immediate family rents or occupies the target housing or real property.
    c. A child residing in the target housing has been identified as having an elevated blood lead level.
    (b) Perform or supervise a lead hazard reduction activity when certification is required under an order issued by a court, the department, another state agency or a local agency, under a contract, or as a condition for payment of services.
    (bm) Perform, supervise or offer to perform or supervise a renovation activity for compensation in target housing or a child-occupied facility on or after April 22, 2010.
    (c) A person is not required to be certified by the department under par. (bm) , but is subject to all work practice requirements and other responsibilities under this chapter when any one of the following applies:
    1. All regulated activities are within the scope of a license, certification or registration issued by the department of safety and professional services under s. 101.178 , Stats., or ch. 145 , Stats. , and the individual performing the regulated activities has completed lead-safe renovation training under s. DHS 163.11 (2) (c) as evidenced by possession of a current and valid course completion certificate at the worksite whenever performing regulated work.
    2. The individual conducting the renovation activity has been trained by a certified lead-safe renovator under s. DHS 163.13 (7) on the lead-safe work practices to be used to perform assigned tasks and is under the supervision of a certified lead-safe renovator during the renovation activity as required under s. DHS 163.14 (11) (c) .
    (d) A person is not required to be certified under par. (bm) , and is not subject to other provisions under this chapter, when any one of the following applies:
    1. The paint involved in the renovation activity has been tested by a person certified as a lead inspector, hazard investigator or risk assessor, who has determined that the paint does not meet the definition of lead-based paint under s. DHS 163.03 (61) .
    2. The paint to be involved in the renovation activity has been tested by a certified lead-safe renovator using a department recognized test kit, as defined under s. DHS 163.03 (96m) , and following the kit manufacturer's instructions, who has determined that the paint does not meet the definition of lead-based paint under s. DHS 163.03 (61) .
    3. The work is a minor repair and maintenance activity.
    4. The work involves replacing only broken panes of glass in a window and no painted surface is disturbed.
    5. The work is a renovation activity that is not performed for compensation and no other conditions requiring certification exist.
    6. The work is a renovation activity performed by the homeowner in the homeowner's owner-occupied unit and no other dwelling unit or common area is affected.
    (e) An individual who was certified or trained as a lead-safe worker before October 19, 2009 may not act as the certified lead-safe renovator for a renovation activity after April 22, 2010 unless the individual is certified by the department as a lead-safe renovator.
    (2) Disciplines. Certification of individuals shall be specific to one of the following lead hazard reduction, lead investigation, or renovation disciplines:
    (a) Lead hazard reduction disciplines.
    1. `Lead abatement worker.' A certified lead abatement worker may perform any abatement activity, but must be supervised under s. DHS 163.14 (1) (c) when performing abatement. A lead abatement worker may not prepare an occupant protection plan for abatement, prepare an abatement report, conduct sampling for abatement or supervise abatement activities. A certified lead abatement worker who completes a lead-safe renovation initial or refresher course, or a lead abatement worker refresher course after October 19, 2009, is also qualified to conduct renovation activities.
    2. `Lead abatement supervisor.' A certified lead abatement supervisor may develop occupant protection plans, write abatement reports, and supervise or perform lead abatement activities. A certified lead abatement supervisor may take dust wipe samples before clearance is conducted to determine if cleanup is complete, but this activity does not meet the criteria for sampling under s. 901.055 , Stats., or for clearance. A certified lead abatement supervisor who completes a lead-safe renovation initial or refresher course, or a lead abatement supervisor refresher course on or after October 19, 2009, is also qualified to conduct renovation activities.
    3. `Lead project designer.' A certified lead project designer may design lead hazard reduction projects, develop occupant protection plans and write abatement reports. A certified lead project designer may not perform or supervise abatement or non-abatement lead-based paint activities without certification in an appropriate lead hazard reduction discipline.
    (b) Lead investigation disciplines.
    1. `Lead sampling technician.' When no abatement activity was performed, a certified lead sampling technician may conduct clearance following a renovation activity involving target housing or a child-occupied facility. A certified lead sampling technician may take dust wipe samples, and may take paint chip and soil samples when directly assisting a certified lead investigator, inspector or risk assessor to conduct other lead investigation activities. A certified lead sampling technician may not use an XRF, conduct clearance after an abatement activity or provide recommendations for reducing a lead hazard.
    2. `Lead inspector.' A certified lead inspector may conduct any clearance, lead-free inspection or inspection activity, and may use an XRF. A certified lead inspector may assist a certified lead hazard investigator or risk assessor to conduct other lead investigation activities, but may not identify hazards or provide recommendations for reducing a lead hazard.
    3. `Lead hazard investigator.' A certified lead hazard investigator may conduct any clearance, elevated blood-lead investigation, lead hazard screen, lead-safe investigation or risk assessment activity. A certified lead hazard investigator may assist a certified lead inspector or risk assessor to conduct a lead inspection, but may not use an XRF.
    4. `Lead risk assessor.' A certified lead risk assessor may conduct any lead investigation activity, including clearance, lead-free inspection, lead inspection, elevated blood-lead investigation, lead hazard screen, lead-safe investigation and risk assessment activities, and may use an XRF.
    (c) Lead-safe renovator discipline . A certified lead-safe renovator may supervise or perform renovation activities, provide training on lead-safe work practices to uncertified workers, provide pre-renovation education materials to occupants and owners, conduct pre-renovation component testing using a department-recognized test kit, and conduct post-renovation cleaning verification.
    (3) Conditions for initial certification.
    (a) Summary.
    1. An applicant shall use this subsection and subs. (4) to (7) to apply for certification in a lead hazard reduction, lead investigation, or renovation discipline for the first time or after certification in the discipline has lapsed for 12 months or more.
    2. An individual applying for initial certification in any discipline identified under sub. (2) shall be 18 years of age or older, shall meet applicable education and experience qualifications under par. (b) , shall successfully complete certification training requirements under s. DHS 163.11 and, to be certified as a lead abatement supervisor, hazard investigator, inspector, or risk assessor, shall pass a certification examination under par. (c) .
    3. Before certification as a lead inspector or lead risk assessor may be granted, an individual applying for certification as a lead inspector or risk assessor shall have completed XRF manufacturer's training under par. (d) .
    4. To apply for certification under subds. 1. to 3. , the applicant shall submit to the department an application under sub. (5) and include the applicable fee.
    (b) Education and experience.
    1. `Requirement.' An applicant for initial certification as a lead abatement supervisor, hazard investigator, project designer or risk assessor shall meet the applicable education and experience qualifications in this paragraph in addition to the certification training requirements under s. DHS 163.11 .
    2. `Abatement supervisor.' An applicant for lead abatement supervisor certification shall meet or exceed one of the following:
    a. Have one year of experience as a certified lead worker or lead abatement supervisor.
    b. Have 2 years of experience in a related field, such as lead, asbestos or environmental remediation work, building maintenance or construction.
    3. `Hazard investigator or risk assessor.' An applicant for lead risk assessor or lead hazard investigator certification shall meet one of the following:
    a. Have a bachelor's degree and one year of experience in a related field, such as lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work or construction.
    b. Have an associate's degree and 2 years of experience in a related field, such as lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work or construction.
    c. Have a high school diploma or equivalent and 3 years of experience in a related field, such as lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work or construction.
    d. Hold professional certification as an industrial hygienist, professional engineer or registered architect or in a related professional engineering, health or environmental field, such as safety professional or environmental scientist.
    e. Be a registered nurse or registered sanitarian and be employed by a health department that provides oversight of the individual's activities.
    4. `Project designer.' An applicant for lead project designer certification shall meet one of the following:
    a. Have a bachelor's degree in engineering, architecture or a profession related to building construction and design and have one year experience in building construction and design or a field related to construction and design.
    b. Have 4 years of experience in building construction and design or a field related to construction and design.
    (c) Certification examination for lead hazard investigators, inspectors, risk assessors, and abatement supervisors.
    1. `Examination requirement.' To be certified, an applicant for initial certification as a lead abatement supervisor, hazard investigator, inspector or risk assessor shall do one of the following:
    a. Pass a certification examination administered by the department or by a person authorized by the department to administer the certification examination under the department's direction or with the department's approval, no earlier than 12 months prior to applying for initial certification and no later than 6 months after applying for initial certification. A training provider may not administer a certification examination, except that the department may be a training provider and also administer a certification examination.
    b. Successfully demonstrate knowledge of this chapter if the individual previously passed a certification examination administered by EPA, another EPA-authorized state or an EPA-authorized tribe and currently possesses an applicable certification card or license issued by EPA, another EPA-authorized state or an EPA-authorized tribe. To demonstrate knowledge, the applicant shall obtain a regulatory worksheet and regulations from the department, shall accurately and personally complete the worksheet with information from the regulations and shall submit the completed worksheet and proof of current certification to the department with the certification application.
    2. `Timing of certification examination.'
    a. Applicant with interim certification. An applicant for initial certification to whom the department granted interim certification under sub. (6) (b) shall take the next available certification examination offered at a reasonably accessible location, as determined by the department. The applicant with interim certification may take the certification examination a maximum of 3 times within 6 months after completing an approved training course for the discipline under s. DHS 163.11 . If an applicant does not pass the certification examination and become certified by the department after up to 3 attempts within this 6-month period, the department shall deny initial certification. The individual shall retake the initial training course before reapplying for initial certification in the same discipline.
    b. Applicant without interim certification. An applicant for initial certification who chooses not to seek interim certification or who is not eligible for interim certification, but who meets the certification examination prerequisites under subd. 3. , shall take a certification examination offered at a reasonably accessible location, as determined by the department. The applicant may take the certification examination a maximum of 3 times within 6 months after the date the department receives the individual's first registration to take a certification examination. If an applicant does not pass the certification examination and become certified by the department within this 6-month period, the individual shall retake the initial training course before reapplying for certification.
    3. `Certification examination prerequisites.' To be registered to take a certification examination, an applicant for initial certification shall do both of the following:
    a. Meet the age, education and experience, and training conditions for initial certification under this section.
    b. Register for the certification examination by submitting to the department a completed application for certification under sub. (5) and the appropriate exam registration and certification fees under sub. (5) (g) .
    4. `Rescheduling a certification examination.' If unable to take the certification examination at the time or date scheduled by the department, the applicant may reschedule the certification examination for another time or date without payment of an additional fee if the applicant requests the change not less than one working day prior to the scheduled certification examination. The certification examination fee is not refundable.
    (d) XRF manufacturer's training for lead inspectors or risk assessors.
    1. `Requirement for training.' For certification as a lead inspector or risk assessor, an individual shall complete manufacturer's training meeting the requirements under ch. DHS 157 for at least one make and model of XRF that the individual will be using and shall submit a completion certificate for the training before certification as a lead inspector or risk assessor may be issued. Documentation of any other training completed to operate other makes or models of XRF shall be retained by the applicant and submitted upon request by the department.
    2. `Certification pending training.' Pending completion of XRF manufacturer's training to use an XRF, an applicant for lead inspector certification who meets all other qualifications shall be issued certification as a lead sampling technician, and an applicant for lead risk assessor certification who meets all other qualifications shall be issued certification as a lead hazard investigator.
    (4) Submission of documentation. If an applicant submits a photocopy rather than an original document, the applicant shall have the copy notarized as a true copy of the original before submitting the copy to the department.
    (5) Application for initial certification. An individual applying for initial certification shall submit all of the following to the department:
    (a) Application form. A fully and accurately completed application on a form obtained from the department. The applicant shall include the applicant's social security number on the application and shall personally sign the application affidavit verifying the accuracy of the information.
    (b) Photograph. Except when a photograph was submitted to the department by a training provider after the applicant completed a required course, a clearly identifiable photograph of the applicant's face in a standard passport size of 2 x 2 , taken within the previous 24 months.
    (c) Verification of identification.
    1. `Birth date.' A document that verifies the applicant's birth date, such as a birth certificate or official identification.
    2. `Photo identification.' An individual applying for certification who has not completed a course accredited by the department shall apply in person. When applying in person, the applicant shall provide 2 forms of identification, including an official photo identification, such as a motor vehicle driver's license or passport.
    (d) Documentation of training. All previous required training certificates or other documentation for required training under s. DHS 163.11 . In addition, the department may ask the training provider or another certification program to verify training was completed as documented.
    (e) Documentation of education and experience. Except as provided under par. (f) , for certification as a lead abatement supervisor, hazard investigator, project designer or risk assessor, an affidavit of education and experience required under sub. (3) (b) on a form obtained from the department. The applicant shall also be prepared to submit one or more of the following forms of documentation if requested by the department:
    1. `Education.' For documentation of education, an official transcript or diploma.
    2. `Experience.' For documentation of experience, information describing the relevant experience, which shall include the month and year the experience began and the month and year the experience ended or a statement that experience is ongoing, and which may include one or more of the following:
    a. A resume describing the relevant experience.
    b. A letter describing the tasks performed by the individual and signed by the employer where the experience was obtained.
    c. Letters of reference from individuals with knowledge of the applicant's experience.
    d. Copies of inspection reports prepared by the applicant.
    e. Copies of certifications issued by other jurisdictions that allowed the individual to perform related work.
    3. `Other professional certification.' For documentation of other professional certification, a copy of the certification.
    (f) Other documentation. For an applicant requesting certification based on current certification issued by EPA or another EPA-authorized state or tribal program, both of the following:
    1. A copy of current certification issued by EPA or by an EPA-authorized state or tribe, notarized as a true copy of the original document.
    2. A completed regulatory worksheet that has been personally completed and signed by the applicant.
    (g) Fees.
    1. `Initial certification fee.' A written request for a government certification fee exemption under subd. 1. h. or a nonrefundable initial certification fee as follows:
    a. For certification as a lead abatement supervisor, a fee of $125.
    b. For certification as a lead abatement worker, a fee of $75.
    c. For certification as a lead hazard investigator, a fee of $150.
    d. For certification as a lead inspector, a fee of $150.
    e. For certification as a lead project designer, a fee of $175.
    f. For certification as a lead risk assessor, a fee of $175.
    g. For certification as a lead sampling technician, a fee of $50.
    gm. For certification as a lead-safe renovator, a fee of $50.
    h. To request a government certification fee exemption, the applicant shall complete the exemption section of the application and submit a letter from the employing governmental agency describing the job duties that qualify the employee for a government certification fee exemption.
    2. `Certification examination fee.' For lead abatement supervisor, hazard investigator, inspector or risk assessor initial certification, a nonrefundable certification examination registration of $50.
    3. `Replacement card fee.' If a certification card is lost, stolen or damaged, the individual who was issued the card may request the department to issue a replacement card and shall include with any request a fee of $25 and an identifying photograph in a standard passport size of 2 by 2 , taken within the previous 24 months.
    4. `Other fees.' The department may assess other fees as necessary to cover costs of administering this chapter, such as walk-in service.
    (6) Action by the department.
    (a) Time limit. Within 10 working days after receipt of a fully and accurately completed certification application, as specified in sub. (5) , the department shall grant interim or initial certification or shall deny certification.
    (b) Grant interim certification. Subject to provisions for lead inspector and risk assessor applicants under sub. (3) (d) 2. , the department may grant interim certification to an individual who applies for lead abatement supervisor, hazard investigator, inspector or risk assessor certification, meets all of the certification examination prerequisites under sub. (3) (c) 3. and is registered for, but has not passed, the certification examination for the discipline. When interim certification is granted, the department shall issue or arrange for the issuance of an interim certification card for the appropriate specific discipline under sub. (2) . An individual may be granted interim certification only once per discipline per lifetime.
    (c) Grant initial certification.
    1. `Upon application.' If an individual applies for certification and meets all of the conditions for initial certification under sub. (3) , the department may grant initial certification. When certification is granted, the department shall issue or arrange for the issuance of a certification card for the appropriate specific discipline under sub. (2) .
    2. `Upon passing certification examination.' When an individual with interim certification passes the certification examination for the discipline, the department shall change the individual's certification from interim to initial and shall issue a revised certification card for the balance of the certification term for which the individual applied and was qualified.
    (d) Deny certification. If certification is denied, the department shall give the applicant a written explanation for the denial and shall notify the applicant of the right to appeal that decision under s. DHS 163.33 .
    (7) Length of interim and initial certification.
    (a) Interim certification. Interim certification shall remain valid for a maximum of 6 months after the completion date of the most recent training course for the discipline under s. DHS 163.11 .
    (b) Initial certification.
    1. For a lead abatement supervisor, hazard investigator, inspector, project designer or risk assessor, initial certification shall remain valid for 1 year after the completion date of the most recent training required under s. DHS 163.11 .
    2. For lead abatement worker, lead-safe renovator, or sampling technician, initial certification shall remain valid for 2 years after the completion date of the most recent training required under s. DHS 163.11 .
    (8) Recertification of an individual.
    (a) Requirement. No individual certified under this subchapter may perform an activity for which certification is required after the expiration date on that individual's certification card until the individual is recertified by the department and possesses a new, unexpired certification card. An individual shall use this subsection to apply for recertification before certification expires or within 12 months after certification expires.
    (b) Conditions. To be recertified, the individual shall:
    1. Be in compliance with all requirements of this chapter.
    2. Be current with the certification training requirements under s. DHS 163.11 .
    3. Submit an application for recertification to the department under par. (c) .
    4. Pass a certification examination under sub. (3) (c) when the department requires the individual to pass the certification examination because the department has reason to believe a training course or training certificate does not meet all requirements of this chapter.
    (c) Application. An applicant for recertification shall submit all of the following to the department:
    1. `Application form.' A fully and accurately completed application on a form obtained from the department. The applicant shall include on the form his or her social security number if it is not already shown on the form. The applicant shall personally sign the application affidavit verifying the accuracy of the information.
    2. `Photograph.' Except when a photograph was submitted to the department by a training provider after the applicant completed a required course, a recent, clearly identifiable photograph of the applicant's face in a standard passport size of 2 x 2 , taken within the previous 24 months.
    3. `Training certificates.' Except when training information was submitted to the department by a training provider after the applicant completed a required course, a copy of any training certificate that was not previously submitted for training required under s. DHS 163.11 .
    4. `Recertification fee.' A written request for a government certification fee exemption under subd. 4. gm. or a nonrefundable recertification fee as follows:
    a. For recertification as a lead abatement supervisor, a 1-year fee of $125 or a 2-year fee of $225.
    b. For recertification as a lead abatement worker, a 2-year fee of $75.
    c. For recertification as a lead hazard investigator, a 1-year fee of $150 or a 2-year fee of $275.
    d. For recertification as a lead inspector, a 1-year fee of $150 or a 2-year fee of $275.
    e. For recertification as a lead project designer, a 1-year fee of $175 or a 2-year fee of $325.
    f. For recertification as a lead risk assessor, a 1-year fee of $175 or a 2-year fee of $325.
    g. For recertification as a lead sampling technician, a 2-year fee of $50.
    gm. For recertification as a lead-safe renovator, a 2-year fee of $50.
    h. To request a government certification fee exemption, the applicant shall submit a letter from the employing governmental agency describing the job duties that qualify the employee for a government certification fee exemption.
    5. `Certification examination registration.' If required under par. (b) 4. to take a certification examination, the applicant for recertification shall submit a certification examination registration form and a registration fee of $50.
    6. `Other fees.' The department may assess other fees as necessary to cover costs of administering this chapter.
    (d) Action by the department.
    1. Within 10 working days after receipt of a fully and accurately completed application for recertification, the department shall grant or deny recertification.
    2. If an individual applies for recertification and meets the conditions for recertification under par. (b) , the department may grant recertification. When recertification is granted, the department shall issue or arrange for the issuance of a certification card for the appropriate specific discipline under sub. (2) .
    3. If recertification is denied, the department shall give the applicant a written explanation for the denial and shall notify the applicant of the right to appeal that decision under s. DHS 163.33 .
    (e) Length of recertification.
    1. When the department recertifies a lead abatement supervisor, hazard investigator, inspector, project designer or risk assessor, the department shall extend the certification of the individual for 1 or 2 years from the expiration date, depending on whether a 1-year or 2-year fee is paid and the date by which refresher training must be completed.
    2. When the department recertifies a lead abatement worker, lead-safe renovator, or sampling technician, the department shall extend the certification of the individual for 2 years from the expiration date.
CR 00-172 : cr. Register February 2002 No. 554 , eff. 3-1-02; correction in (3) (d) 1. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7. , Stats., Register January 2009 No. 637 ; EmR0928 : emerg. am. (1) (intro.), (b), (c) (intro.), 1., (2) (intro.), (a) 1., 2., (b) 1., (3) (a) 1., (c) 2. a., (5) (f) 2., (7) (b) 2. (intro.), (8) (b) 3., (c) 4. (intro.) and (e), cr. (1) (bm), (d) (intro.), 2. to 5., (2) (c), (5) (g) 1. gm. and (8) (c) 4. gm., r. and recr. (1) (c) 2., renum. (1) (c) 3. to be (1) (d) 1. and am., r. (7) (b) 2. a. and b., eff. 10-16-09; CR 09-085 : am. (1) (intro.), (b), (c) (intro.), 1., (2) (intro.), (a) 1., 2., (b) 1., (3) (a) 1., (c) 2. a., (5) (f) 2., (7) (b) 2. (intro.), (8) (b) 3., (c) 4. (intro.) and (e), cr. (1) (bm), (d) (intro.), 2. to 6., (e), (2) (c), (5) (g) 1. gm. and (8) (c) 4. gm., r. and recr. (1) (c) 2., renum. (1) (c) 3. to be (1) (d) 1. and am., r. (7) (b) 2. a. and b. Register March 2010 No. 651 , eff. 4-1-10; correction in (1) (c) 1. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 6. , Stats., Register January 2012 No. 673 .


Section 101.178 , Stats., relates to department of safety and professional services certification of heating, ventilating and air conditioning installers and servicers. Chapter 145 , Stats., relates to department of safety and professional services licensure of master plumbers and journeyman plumbers, registration of apprentice plumbers, licensure of automatic fire sprinkler system installers, registration of automatic fire sprinkler system apprentices, and registration of automatic fire sprinkler fitters for maintaining an existing automatic fire sprinkler system. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 For the requirement that a company be certified to perform, supervise or offer to perform or supervise a lead abatement investigation, or renovation activity, see s. DHS 163.12 . Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Use this subsection and subs. (4) to (7) to apply for certification in a discipline for the first time or after certification in the discipline has lapsed for 12 months or more. Use sub. (8) to apply for recertification before certification expires or within 12 months after certification expires. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 To obtain a copy of the regulatory worksheet and regulations, write or phone the Asbestos and Lead Section, 1 W. Wilson St., Room 137, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659; e-mail ; ph. 608-261-6876; or fax 608-266-9711. Return the completed worksheet, application and certification fee to the same office. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Application forms are available on the department website at ; or by email to ; ph. 608-261-6876; or at the Asbestos and Lead Section, 1 W. Wilson St., Room 137, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659. Return the completed application and fees to the same office. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Application and credit card payment forms are available on the department website at ; email ; ph. 608-261-6876; fax 608-266-9711; or Asbestos and Lead Section, 1 W. Wilson Street, Room 137, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Submit application and fee to the Asbestos and Lead Section, Room 137, 1 W. Wilson Street, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659, or fax to 608-266-9711. For application submitted by fax, payment may be made only by credit or debit charge to a VISA or MasterCard. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 When interim certification is granted, the department will also register the applicant for a certification examination and send the applicant information regarding the scheduled certification examination. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 If it is 12 months or more since a certification expired, the person wanting to renew certification must make reapplication for initial certification under subs. (3) to (7). Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Application and credit card payment forms are available on the department website at ; email ; ph. 608-261-6876; fax 608-266-9711; or Asbestos and Lead Section, Room 137, 1 W. Wilson Street, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Submit application and fee to the Asbestos and Lead Section, Room 137, 1 W. Wilson Street, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659, or fax to 608-266-9711. For application submitted by fax, payment may be made only by credit or debit charge to a VISA or MasterCard. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1