Section 134.45. Employee development.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Orientation for new employees. Except in an emergency, before a new employee, including a temporary employee, performs any duties, he or she shall be oriented to the facility and its policies, including policies and procedures concerning fire prevention, accident prevention and response to emergencies. By the time each new employee has worked 30 days in the facility, he or she shall be oriented to resident rights under s. DHS 134.31 , to his or her position and duties and to facility procedures.
    (2) Continuing education.
    (a) General. The facility shall provide continuing inservice training for all employees to update and improve their skills in providing resident care, and supervisory and management training for each employee who is in or is a candidate for a supervisory position.
    (b) Resident care. The facility shall require employees who provide direct care to residents to attend educational programs designed to develop and improve employee skills and knowledge relating to the needs of the facility's residents, including their developmental, behavioral and health care needs. These programs shall be conducted as often as is necessary to enable staff to acquire the skills and techniques necessary to implement the individual program plans for each resident under their care.
    (c) Dietary. Educational programs shall be held periodically for dietary staff. These programs shall include instruction in proper handling of food, personal hygiene and grooming, nutrition and modified diet patterns, sanitation, infection control and prevention of food-borne disease and other communicable disease.
    (3) Training in medications administration. Before persons other than nurses and practitioners may administer medications under s. DHS 134.60 (4) (d) 1. , they shall be trained in a course approved by the department.
Cr. Register, June, 1988, No. 390 , eff. 7-1-88.