Section 252.44. Program.

Latest version.
  • (1) Program planning and implementation.
    (a) Each day camp shall have a program of activities that shall be planned according to the developmental level of each child and each group of children and intended to expose children to a variety of cultures. The needs of children with disabilities shall be considered when planning the programming and activities for enrolled children. The program of activities shall focus on the out-of-doors and the natural environment and shall reflect the camp's written policies. The program shall provide each child with experiences which will promote all of the following:
    1. An appreciation and understanding of the natural environment.
    2. Large and small muscle development.
    3. Intellectual growth.
    4. Self-esteem and positive self-image.
    5. Opportunities for recreation.
    6. Social interaction.
    7. Creative expression.
    8. Self-expression and communication skills.
    9. Literacy skills.
    (b) The program shall:
    1. Protect the children from excessive fatigue and from overstimulation.
    2. Encourage spontaneous activities.
    3. Be planned to provide a flexible balance each day of:
    a. Active and quiet activities.
    b. Individual and group activities.
    4. Provide daily opportunities for children to play outdoors except during inclement weather or when not advisable for health reasons.
    5. Provide reasonable regularity in eating, resting and other routines.
    6. Provide daily periods when a variety of experiences are concurrently available for the children to select their own activities.
    7. Limit the amount of time that children are kept waiting in lines or assembled in large groups during routines such as toileting and eating and intervals between activities.
    (2) Child guidance.
    (a) Each day camp shall have a written policy on guiding children's behavior which provides for positive guidance, redirection and the setting of clear-cut limits. The policy shall be designed to help each child develop self-control, self-esteem, and respect for the rights of others.
    (b) If a camp uses time-out periods to deal with unacceptable behavior, time-out periods may not exceed 5 minutes and the procedure shall be included in the camp's child guidance policy as specified in par. (a) .
    (c) Actions that may be psychologically, emotionally or physically painful, discomforting, dangerous or potentially injurious are prohibited. Examples of prohibited actions include:
    1. Spanking, hitting, pinching, shaking, slapping, twisting, throwing or inflicting any other form of corporal punishment.
    2. Verbal abuse, threats or derogatory remarks about the child or the child's family.
    3. Physical restraint, binding or tying to restrict movement or enclosing in a confined space such as a closet, locked room, box or similar cubicle.
    4. Withholding or forcing meals, snacks or naps.
    5. Actions that are aversive, cruel, frightening or humiliating.
    (d) Children shall not be punished for lapses in toilet training.
    (3) Equipment.
    (a) The camp shall provide program equipment in a variety and quantity which will allow staff to implement activities outlined in the written policy on program objectives and activities required under s. DCF 252.41 (1) (g) 2. and which meets the following criteria:
    1. Provides for large muscle development.
    2. Provides construction activities and for the development of manipulative skills.
    3. Encourages social interaction.
    4. Provides intellectual stimulation.
    5. Encourages creative expression.
    (b) All equipment shall be:
    1. Scaled to the developmental level, size and ability of the children.
    2. Of sound construction with no sharp, rough, loose or pointed edges, in good operating condition, and anchored when necessary.
    3. Placed to avoid danger of accident and collision and to permit freedom of action.
    (c) Equipment and materials which reflect an awareness of cultural and ethnic diversity shall be provided.
    (d) Children using play equipment shall be closely supervised to prevent injuries.
    (4) Rest. When a session is more than 4 hours in length, there shall be a rest period or period of quiet activities of at least 30 minutes for all children under 5 years of age.
    (5) Food.
    (a) Food shall be provided in accordance with Table DCF 252.44 which is based on the amount of time children are present. Food may be served at flexible intervals, but no child may go without nourishment for longer than 3 hours. - See PDF for table PDF
    (b) Camp-provided transportation time shall be included in determining the total number of hours a child is present for the purpose of par. (a) .
    (c) Food allergies of specific children shall be reported to cooks, counselors and substitutes having direct contact with children.
    (d) Menus for meals and snacks provided by the camp shall:
    1. Be posted in the kitchen and in a conspicuous place accessible to parents.
    2. Be planned at least one week in advance, dated and kept on file for 3 months.
    3. Be available for review by the department.
    4. Include diverse types of food.
    (e) Each meal and snack provided shall meet the U.S. department of agriculture child care food program minimum meal requirements.
    (f) Enough food shall be prepared for each meal so that second portions of vegetables or fruit, bread and milk are available to children.
    (g) A special diet, based on a medical condition, excluding food allergies, but including nutrient concentrates and supplements, may be served only upon written instruction of a child's physician and upon request of the parent. A special diet based on a food allergy may be served upon the written request of the parent.
    (h) Children's hands shall be washed with soap and water before eating.
    (6) Health.
    (a) Observation.
    1. Each child upon arrival at the camp shall be observed by a staff person for symptoms of illness. For an apparently ill child, the procedure under par. (c) shall be followed.
    2. Any evidence of unusual bruises, contusions, lacerations or burns received by a child in or out of camp care shall be recorded in the camp medical log book and reported immediately to the camp director.
    (b) Health supervision. There shall be an adult at the camp at all times who is responsible for health supervision. The on-site health supervisor shall be one of the following:
    1. A physician licensed in Wisconsin.
    2. A registered nurse or practical nurse licensed in Wisconsin.
    3. A physician assistant licensed in Wisconsin.
    4. An emergency medical technician.
    5. A person currently certified as having completed the American Red Cross Standard First Aid course or equivalent.
    (bm) If a public or private rescue or emergency vehicle cannot arrive at the camp within 10 minutes of a phone call, a person who is certified by the department as a first responder under ch. DHS 110 must be on the premises during the hours when children are present. This person may serve as the camp health supervisor.
    (c) Isolation.
    1. There shall be an isolation or first aid area for the care of children who become ill. If the area is not a separate room, it shall be separated from space used by other children by a partition, screen or other means.
    2. When an apparently ill child is observed in the day camp, the following procedures shall apply:
    a. A child with symptoms of illness or a condition such as vomiting or diarrhea, shall be isolated and shall be made comfortable, with a place to lie down available, with a staff member within the sight or hearing of the child. Isolation shall be used until the child can be removed from the camp.
    b. The child's parent, or a designated responsible person when parents cannot be reached, shall be contacted as soon as possible after the illness is discovered to take the child from the camp.
    (d) Communicable disease.
    1. When it is determined that a person in contact with children or a child enrolled in a day camp has a reportable communicable disease under ch. DHS 145 , such as German measles, infectious hepatitis, measles, mumps, or meningitis, the local public health officer, the department, and parents of exposed children shall be notified.
    3. A person in contact with children or a child may be allowed to return to a camp if the person's physician provides a written statement that the condition is no longer contagious or the person has been absent for a period of time equal to the longest usual incubation period of the disease as specified by the department.
    (e) Medication.
    1. Camp staff may give prescription and non-prescription medication to a child only under the following conditions:
    a. A signed, dated, written authorization that includes the child's name and birthdate, name of the medication, administration instructions, medication intervals, and the length of the authorization from the parent is on file. Blanket authorizations that exceed the length of time specified on the label are prohibited.
    b. The medication is in the original container and labeled with the child's name, and the label includes the dosage and directions for administering.
    d. The person administering the medication makes an entry into the medical log book as required under s. DCF 252.41 (4) (b) that includes the type of medication given, dosage, time, date of administration and name or initials of the person administering the medication.
    2. All medications shall be stored so that they are not accessible to the children.
    3. Medications shall be stored at the appropriate temperature as indicated on the label.
    4. No medication may be kept at the camp without a current authorization from the parent.
    5. Bee sting medication, inhalers, an insulin syringe, or other medication or device used in the event of a life-threatening situation may be carried by a child over the age of 7 years with written authorization from the parent and the child's physician.
    6. Sunscreen and insect repellent may only be applied on the written authorization of the parent. The authorization shall include the ingredient strength of the sunscreen or repellent. If parents provide the sunscreen or insect repellent, the sunscreen or repellent shall be labeled with the child's name. Children may apply their own sunscreen or insect repellent with written parental authorization. The recording of the application of sunscreen or insect repellent is not required.
    7. Children shall be protected from sunburn with protective clothing, if not protected by sunscreen.
    (f) Injury.
    1. Written procedures for the treatment of children who are in accidents or otherwise injured shall be available and made known to staff and shall be carried out as follows:
    a. Written permission from the parent to call the family physician or refer the child or medical care in case of emergency shall be on file at the camp. This permission shall be used only when the parent or the designated responsible person cannot be reached.
    b. Prior to the opening of camp, a planned source of emergency medical care, such as a hospital emergency room, clinic or other constantly staffed medical facility, shall be designated and made known to staff and parents.
    c. There shall be written procedures to be followed for bringing a child to emergency medical care.
    d. First aid equipment shall be available at a designated location at the base camp.
    f. Standard first aid procedures shall be followed for injuries.
    h. Superficial wounds may be cleaned with soap and water only and protected.
    i. Suspected poisoning shall be treated only after consultation with a poison control center.
    2. A daily record of injuries shall be kept in the medical log. Records of injuries shall be reviewed monthly by the camp director and staff to ensure that all preventive measures are being taken. There shall be documentation in the medical log book required under s. DCF 252.41 (4) (b) that reviews have taken place.
    (g) Health history. A written health history on a form prescribed by the department shall be obtained from the parent before the child's first day of camp. This shall be kept on file at the base camp and be available to staff. Information contained on the health history form shall be shared with any person assigned to care for the child.
    (h) The camp shall maintain a record of immunizations for each child to document compliance with s. 252.04 , Stats., and ch. DHS 144 .
    (i) Personal cleanliness.
    1. A child's hands shall be washed with soap and running water before and after meals and snacks and after toileting or diapering.
    2. Persons working with children shall wash their hands with soap and running water before handling food, after assisting with toileting and after wiping bodily secretions from a child.
    3. Soap and water-based wet wipes may be used to wash hands when there is no running water immediately available. Disinfecting hand sanitizers may not replace the use of soap and water when washing hands.
    4. Cups, eating utensils, toothbrushes, combs and towels may not be shared and shall be kept in a sanitary condition.
    5. Wet or soiled clothing and diapers shall be changed promptly from an available supply of clean clothing.
    6. There shall be a supply of dry and clean clothing and diapers sufficient to meet the needs of all children at the camp.
    (j) Diapering. When children are diapered, the camp counselor shall do all of the following:
    1. Consult with the child's parent to develop a toilet training plan so that a child's toilet routine is consistent between the camp and the child's home, if the child is in the process of becoming toilet trained.
    2. Change wet or soiled diapers and clothing promptly.
    3. Change each child on an easily cleanable surface which is cleaned with soap and water and a disinfectant solution after each use with a chlorine bleach solution of one tablespoon bleach to one quart of water, made fresh daily or a quaternary ammonia product prepared according the manufacturer's recommendation.
    4. If the diapering surface is above floor level, provide a barrier or restraint to prevent falling. A child may not be left unattended on the diapering surface.
    5. Place disposable soiled diapers and gloves, if used, in a plastic-lined, hands-free, covered container immediately.
    6. Remove soiled diapers from containers as needed but at least daily for washing or disposal. Containers shall be washed and disinfected daily.
    7. Apply lotions, powders or salves to a child during diapering only at the specific written direction of the parent or the child's physician. The directions shall be posted in the diapering area. The application of diapering lotions, powders or salves is not required to be recorded in the camp medical log.
    8. Wash the child's diaper area before each diapering with a disposable or fabric towel used only once.
    (7) Water activity area.
    (a) Definitions. In this subsection, "waterfront" means a pool or beach accessible to or used by children in care.
    (am) Swimming area.
    1. Pools and other swimming areas used by children shall be located, constructed, equipped and operated according to the requirements of chs. SPS 390 and ATCP 76 for pools and water attractions. A beach shall be in compliance with applicable local ordinances.
    a. Swimming pools shall be enclosed with a 5 foot fence with a self-closing, self-latching door. Spaces between the vertical posts of the fence shall be 3 ½ inches or less. In addition, all of the following restrictions apply when the pool is not in use by children.
    b. If access to the pool is through a gate, the gate shall be closed and locked.
    c. If access to the pool is through a door, the door shall be closed, visibly locked and equipped with an alarm at the door that signals when someone has entered the pool area. The door may not be used as an exit.
    d. Locks shall be located so that the locks cannot be opened by children.
    e. The free-standing wall of an above ground pool may not serve as an enclosure unless it is at least 5 feet in height and not climbable. If a ladder is present, the ladder shall be removed or raised up so that it is inaccessible to children.
    f. The area around the pool enclosure shall be free of toys or equipment that would allow a child to climb or otherwise gain access to the pool.
    3. The swimming area used by a day camp shall have designated areas for non-swimmers, intermediate swimmers, advanced swimmers and divers. A child shall be restricted to the area of the pool or beach that is within the child's swimming ability.
    4. Access to a water activity area or beach shall be controlled so that children may not enter the area without the knowledge of waterfront staff and any area used for swimming shall be clearly marked.
    5. Water activity areas shall be free of hazards. Equipment in water activity areas, including but not limited to docks, ladders, rafts, diving boards, boats, life jackets and paddles, shall be maintained and in good repair.
    6. Rescue equipment, including a shepherd's crook type pole, a backboard, ring buoy, and rescue tube shall be maintained and immediately available at each water activity area as specified in s. ATCP 76.26 .
    (b) Waterfront supervisor.
    1. Each day camp offering swimming, boating, canoeing, or other water activities whether at a pool or a beach shall designate a staff person as waterfront supervisor. All water activities, whether on or off the premises, shall be under the direction of the waterfront supervisor or an equally qualified adult who is present at the waterfront during water activities. The waterfront supervisor shall:
    a. Be 18 years of age or older; and
    b. Hold a current certification as a life-guard from a nationally recognized certifying agency.
    2. The camp shall maintain a ratio of one person with a current Red Cross lifesaving certificate per 25 children in the water, except where a public swimming place has life-saving personnel on duty. While children are in the water, staff-to-child ratios under s. DCF 252.42 (3) (b) shall be maintained by staff who can swim.
    3. The waterfront director or an equally qualified person shall be on duty at all times whenever children are in the water.
    4. The waterfront supervisor shall establish and enforce a method for supervising children in the water such as the buddy system, the colored cap system or another method of supervising children. The supervision plan shall be included in the camp's written waterfront plan and reviewed during pre-camp training.
    5. The waterfront supervisor shall establish and enforce a method for checking persons in and out of the water. The check-in and check-out procedures shall be included in the camp's written waterfront plan and reviewed during pre-camp training.
    6. The waterfront supervisor or person acting as the waterfront supervisor may not be included in the staff-to-child ratios during any period when children are in the water.
    (c) Swimming procedures.
    1. The swimming ability of each child shall be assessed by either the parent or the camp. Documentation of the assessment shall be kept in the child's file.
    2. Children shall be restricted to swimming areas within their swimming classification.
    (d) Boating prohibited in swimming areas. Except in an emergency, no rowboat, canoe, motor boat or other craft, except a lifeboat used by lifeguards, is permitted in a swimming area, pursuant to s. 30.68 (7) , Stats.
    (e) Supervision of waterfront activities. Children shall be closely supervised when they have access to a beach or they are participating in fishing or other shoreline activities.
    (8) Boats.
    (a) In this section, "boat" means every description of watercraft used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, including canoes, kayaks, large inner tubes, inflatable boats and sailboards. Small inflatable toys such as swim rings and air mattresses are not considered "boats" under this definition.
    (am) All boats shall comply with ch. NR 5 .
    (b) Each occupant of a boat shall wear a type I or II coast guard-approved personal flotation device which is appropriate to the weight of the person wearing it as specified in s. 30.62 (3) (a) , Stats., and s. NR 5.13 .
    (c) There shall be at least one adult in each boat who is a competent swimmer as determined by the waterfront supervisor. When children are using single-seat boats, such as kayaks, a counselor who is a competent swimmer shall be close enough to the children to provide assistance if necessary.
    (d) Children who have not demonstrated advanced swimming skills shall be limited to the use of the rowboats only.
    (e) All boats, oars and paddles shall be in good repair and inspected annually for safety.
    (9) Firearms and archery. Firearms and archery equipment may not be used by children under 7 years of age. When firearms and archery equipment are used by children over age 7, the following precautions shall be observed:
    (a) The archery or shooting range may be used only under the supervision of a trained adult instructor.
    (b) Other program activities shall be in an area away from the designated archery or shooting range. The range shall be fenced in with rope or wire and marked with danger signs or flags.
    (c) Firearms, ammunition, and archery equipment shall be stored under lock and key when not in use.
    (d) Children shall be closely supervised to ensure that all firearms, ammunition and archery equipment is used in a safe manner and to ensure that all unused ammunition is returned to the instructor.
    (10) Tools.
    (a) Power tools shall not be used by children under 7 years of age.
    (b) Children under 7 years of age shall not be allowed in areas where power tools are in use.
    (c) When power tools and other tools are not in use, they shall be stored in an area not accessible to children.
    (11) Horseback riding.
    (a) This subsection shall apply whether the camp owns, rents, or leases horses.
    (b) Children may ride horseback only under close supervision in a ring or other enclosed area.
    (c) The riding tack shall be maintained in good repair to provide maximum safety for children. It shall be appropriate to the age, size, and ability of the rider.
    (d) Horseback riding shall be specifically covered by the camp's liability insurance.
    (12) Field trips. For field trips away from the base camp:
    (a) Staff shall carry emergency contact information and signed parental permission for the emergency medical care of all children on the field trip.
    (b) The counselor-to-child ratio under Table DCF 252.42 shall be maintained, except that the number of adults accompanying children away from the base camp shall be no fewer than 2.
    (c) A planned source of emergency medical care in the area to be visited shall be known to staff.
    (d) A list of children participating in the field trip shall be maintained by the camp director and a counselor accompanying the children.
    (e) Parents shall be notified in advance of the times and location of each field trip.
    (f) First aid supplies shall be taken on all field trips.
    (13) Adventure-based activities.
    (a) This subsection applies whether the camp owns, rents, or leases equipment used in adventure-based activities. Adventure-based activities include but are not limited to experiences such as ropes or challenge courses, hiking and rock climbing.
    (b) The licensee shall ensure that personnel leading and providing training to children are trained and have experience for the type of adventure-based experience they are supervising.
    (c) Equipment used in adventure-based activities shall be properly installed, maintained in good condition and working order and appropriate to the size, developmental and ability level of the children using the equipment.
    (d) Before a child is permitted to participate in an adventure-based activity, the licensee shall ensure that the child's medical history does not prohibit participation in the type of activity planned. If there is a question about a child's ability to participate for medical reasons, the licensee shall not permit participation without the written approval of the child's physician and written authorization from the child's parent.
    (e) Counselor-to-child ratios shall be adequate to manage and supervise the adventure-based activity based upon the number of children participating and type of activity. However, at no time, shall the counselor-to-child ratio be less than that specified in Table DCF 252.42.
History: Cr. Register, October, 1984, No. 346 , eff. 11-1-84; corrections in (7) (a) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, June, 1995, No. 474 ; corrections in (6) (d) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, July, 1997, No. 499 ; corrections in (7) (a) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register, July, 1999, No. 523 ; CR 04-040 : am. (5) (d) Register December 2004 No. 588 , eff. 1-1-05; corrections in (2) (b), (3) (a), (5) (a), (6) (d) 1., (e) 1. d., (7) (b) 2. and (12) (b) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register November 2008 No. 635 ; CR 07-102 : am. (1) (a) (intro.), 1., 2., 4. to 6., (b) 1., (2) (a), (c) 1. to 4., (3) (b) 1., 2., (4), (5) (a), (6) (a) 1., 2., (b) (title), (c) 1., 2. a., (d) 1., 3., (e) 1. a., b., d., 3., (f) 1. a. to d., f., 2., (g), (7) (b) (title), (intro.), (c) 1., (e), (8) (b) to (d), (9) (intro.), (a) to (c), (12) (intro.) and (a) to (d), r. and recr. (1) (a) 3., (2) (b), (c) (intro.), (5) (d) to (g), (6) (e) 1. (intro.), (7) (title), (b) 1. b., (8) (title) and (9) (d), cr. (1) (a) 7. to 9., (b) 3. to 7., (2) (c) 5., (3) (a) 1. to 5., (c), (d), (5) (d) 1. to 4., (6) (b) 1. to 5., (bm), (e) 4. to 7., (f) 1. i., (h) to (j), (7) (a), (am) 2. b. to f., 4. to 6., (b) 4. to 6., (8) (a), (e), (12) (e), (f) and (13), renum. (3) (a), (6) (b), (7) (a) 1., 3., 4. and (8) (a) to be (3) (a) (intro.), (6) (b) (intro.), (7) (am) 1., 2. a., 3. and (8) (am) and am., r. (6) (d) 2., (e) 1. c., (f) 1. e., g., 3., (7) (a) 2. and (c) 3. Register December 2008 No. 636 , eff. 1-1-09; corrections in (3) (a) (intro.), (5) (a), (6) (bm), (d), (e) 1. d., (f) 2., (h), (7) (am) 1., 6., (12) (b) and (13) (e) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2008 No. 636 ; correction in (7) (am) 1. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register January 2012 No. 673 ; correction in (6) (bm) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register April 2015 No. 712 ; correction in (7) (am) 1., 6. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register July 2016 No. 727 .


With parental consent and consultation, it is recommended that centers who care for children who have an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) coordinate programming activities with the local school district or Birth to Three agency. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 See Appendix B for information on the U.S. department of agriculture child and adult care food program minimum meal requirements. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 The Division of Public Health in the Wisconsin Department of Health Services has developed materials that identify those communicable diseases that are required to be reported to the local public health officer. These materials also proved additional guidance on the symptoms of each disease and information on how long an infected child must be excluded from the camp. The materials include a communicable disease chart and exclusion guidelines for child care centers. Copies of the communicable disease chart or the exclusion guidelines are available from the Child Care Information Center, 2109 S. Stoughton Rd., Madison WI 53716; phone 1-800-362-7353. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 The department's form, Authorization to Administer Medication, or the provider's own form may be used to obtain the parent's authorization to administer medication. Information on how to obtain the form is available on the department's website, , or from any of the regional licensing offices in Appendix A. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 The camp may use the department's form, Child Care Enrollment, or its own form for obtaining medical consent from the parent. Information on how to obtain forms is available on the department's website, , or from any regional licensing office in Appendix A. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 The department's form, Health History and Emergency Care Plan, is used to record a child's health history. Information on how to obtain forms is available from the department's web site, , or from any regional office listed in Appendix A. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 The form, Day Care Immunization Record, may be used to record immunization information. An electronic printout from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry or other registry maintained by a health care provider may be used in place of the Day Care Immunization Record. Information on how to obtain forms is available from the department's web site, , or from any regional office listed in Appendix A. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1