Section 92.26. Time of plan submission.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Agency with eminent domain power. An agency vested with eminent domain power, or undertaking a project where such power exists, shall file a relocation plan and receive approval in writing from the department before proceeding with initiation of negotiations on any project which may involve displacement of a person.
    (2) Agency without eminent domain power. An agency undertaking a project where the power of eminent domain does not exist, shall submit and receive approval of a relocation plan from the department, before a property is acquired for the project, provided:
    (a) Any option taken or offer to purchase made by the agency is conditioned upon receipt of relocation plan approval from the department before a property is acquired, and
    (b) Tenants who occupy a property and who may be required to move, are contacted by the agency within 7 days after all contingencies have been removed from an option or an accepted offer to purchase. Such contact shall be for the purpose of informing a tenant of any relocation payments and services available and to obtain information for the purpose of preparing a relocation plan.
Cr. Register, March, 1986, No. 363 , eff. 4-1-86; am. (intro.), cr. (2), Register, November, 1989, No. 407 , eff. 12-1-89.


The purpose of this alternative method of submitting a relocation plan is to ensure that agencies without the power of eminent domain, who are unable to adequately plan for relocation before the project has sufficiently developed to the implementation stage, comply with relocation planning requirements as soon as feasible and before an agency is legally or financially committed to the acquisition of a property where displacement may occur. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1