Section 48.05. Planning grants.  

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  • (1)  The department shall provide grants based on the population from the department's official population estimates of the local governmental unit and the base funding level noted in the table below. - See PDF for table PDF
    (2)  Subject to availability of funds, applicants shall be eligible for not less than 50% of the base funding level noted in sub. (1) except as provided in sub. (3) .
    (3)  When an applicant's cost for the comprehensive plan is less than the base funding level noted in sub. (1) , the community shall be eligible for up to 75% of the actual plan costs not to exceed the eligible grant amount in sub. (2) .
    Example: A town's population is 300. The town's proposed cost of plan is $12,000. The town would be eligible for up to a $9,000 grant.
    (4)  When the population of the applicant is within 5% of the next higher population category, the applicant's base funding level shall be the average of the 2 categories.
    Example: A village's population is 1,993. The eligible base funding level of the village is $25,000
    (5)  For a multi-jurisdictional plan, each local governmental unit participating within the application shall add together the base funding levels of each unit participating plus add an additional 10% incentive of the total base funding level for each city, village and town. - See PDF for table PDF
    (6)  For a multi-jurisdictional plan where all towns within a county participate jointly under a county plan and are included within a single grant application, the maximum grant award shall also include a 10% incentive of the county base funding level.
    (7)  A grantee's local match is the difference between the total cost for the comprehensive plan development and the grant provided under this chapter. A grantee's local match may be financed in the annual budget, by in-kind services and through grants from other sources. Not more than 50% of the local match may be through federal grants.
    (8)  The grant may contain multiple state and federal funding sources. The department shall comply with the requirements and provisions of the funding sources and shall require grantees to comply with any requirements related to the funding sources. Requirements of these funding sources shall be outlined in the planning grant manual.


In s. Adm 48.05 (5) , Example 2, if all towns in Holstein Co. participate, the maximum grant award increases by the additional $20,000 incentive (10% of $200,000 = $20,000). Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1