Public Notice: Family Care Implementation  

    Wisconsin Department of Health Services
    Division of Long Term Care
    Backgroun d
    Section 9118 (9 )( b) of the 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 , requires the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (hereinafter “ DHS ) to provide notice to the L egislative R eference B ureau for publication in the Wisconsin Administrative Register of the date in which the F amily C are program will be available to eligible residents of every county in the state , if later than January 1, 2017 .
    Family Care Implementation in Adams, Florence, Forest, Oneida, Taylor , and Vilas Counties
    On September 19, 2016, DHS issued a request for proposal that included six of the counties ( Adams, Florence, Forest, Oneida, Taylor , and Vilas) where Family Care will be implemented in 2017. IRIS ( Include, Respect , I Self - Direct) will be implemented at the same time. Implementation will begin on July 1, 2017, and be complete by December  3 1, 2017. The county-by-county implementation schedule will be developed collaboratively between DHS , the counties, managed care organizations , IRIS consult ant agencies, and aging and disability resource centers once the managed care organizations are selected through the competitive procurement process .
    Family Care Implementation in Dane County
    Implementation of Family Care in Dane County will begin in the first quarter of 2018 . IRIS will be implemented at the same time. The specific implementation date and number of transition months will be determined collaboratively between DHS , Dane C ounty, managed care organizations , IRIS consult ant agencies, and the aging and disability resource center once the managed care organizations are selected through the competitive procurement process .
    For more information about Family Care:
    Phone: 1-855-885-0287
    For more information about IRIS:
    Phone: 1-888-515-4747