CR_15-049 Safe drinking water and the revised total coliform rule  

  • Clearinghouse Rule 15-049 , Natural Resources Board Order DG-15-13
    Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
    This rule applies to all public drinking water systems in the state including those owned and operated by privately owned mobile home parks, businesses that employ at least 25 people, schools, churches, restaurants and bars. Most of the economic burden of the rule falls to the DNR and its partner agencies responsible for inspecting and monitoring of these water systems. There will be modest increases in costs for those businesses that operate on a seasonal basis and have to complete a seasonal system start-up procedure. Some mobile home parks that were previously on a reduced monitoring schedule will have increased monitoring costs as they will now be put on the routine monthly monitoring schedule. Costs associated with boil water advisories for the currently enforced non-acute MCL will be eliminated for al l water system types including small businesses. For a more detailed analysis, please refer to the Fiscal Estimate and Economic Impact Analysis.