CR_15-091 Substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment for certain department work experience programs  

  • Notice of Submittal of Proposed Rules to
    Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse
    T he Department of Children and Families submitted proposed rules to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse o n November 16 , 2015 .
    The statement of scope for this rule, SS 098-15 , was approved by th e Governor on September 8, 2015 ; published in Register No. 717A3 on September 21, 2015 ; and approved by Secreta ry Eloise Anderson on November 13, 2015 .
    The proposed rules creates ch. DCF 105 , relating to su b stan c e a bu s e scr ee ni n g , t e stin g , a nd t r ea tm e nt f o r ce rt a in de p a rtme n t wo r k e x p e ri e n c e pr o g ra ms.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required and will be held in Madison on December 15 , 2015 . Th e organizational unit responsible for the promulgation of the proposed rules is the Division of Family and Economic Security .
    Contact Information
    Kris Randal
    Telephone: (608) 422-6187