CR_15-023 Fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters of Wisconsin
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Clearinghouse Rule
CR 15-023
, Natural Resources Boarder Order FH-14-14
It is not expected that there will be any economic impact or change directly related to these rule changes. The proposed rule will primarily affect sport anglers. Regulations are already in place and this rule is intended to continue protection and enhancement of t
he State’s fish resources.
The proposal to require that Asian carp are dead and
before transporting in or through Wisconsin could affect fish haulers from other states and potentially commercial fishers in Wisconsin if Asian carp numbers increase. There is only a small number of Asian carp in Wisconsin waters so far and this proposal is intended to keep it that way by educating fishers and haulers on safe methods for transporting the invasive species.
The proposed rule does not impose any compliance or reporting requirements on small businesses nor are any design or operational standards contained in the rule.