CR_15-063 Contractual service procurement, and the fiscal estimate/economic impact analysis  

  • RE:   Notice of Submittal of Proposed P ermanent R ule ch. Trans 515 relating to Contractual   Service Procurement , to Legislative Council Rule s Clearinghouse .
    Dear Mr. Grosz:
    Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) hereby submit s to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Clearinghouse for review , pursuant to s. 227.15(1) , Wis. Stats., the proposed permanent rule ch. Trans 515 relating to contractual service procurement , and the fiscal es timate/economic impact analysis . The Statement of Scope for this Permanent Rule, SS 007-14 , was approved by the Governor on January 9 , 2014, published in Wisconsin Administrative Register No. 698 on February 14, 2014. Please be advised that no public hearing is needed pursuant to s. 227.16 (2) (b) , Wis. Stats.
    The enclosed documents are being submitted today to the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of Administration, in accordance with s. 227.14 (4m) , Wis. Stats. Th is letter with enclosures is WisDOT's notice of s ubmittal of the above -mentioned proposed permanent rule to Legislative Council staff, and to be published in the Administrative Register:
    S ent electronically to Legislative Council: August 19 , 2015
    Subject matter of proposed rules: Contractual Service Procurement
    No public hearing is needed for ch. Trans 515 relating to contractual service procurement, pursuant to s. 227.16 (2) (b) , Wis. Stats.
    WisDOT division responsible for preparing the rule: Division of Transportation System Development
    The name and contact in formation for a contact person:
    Sharon Bremser, P.E.
    State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Division of Transportation System Development
    4802 Sheboygan Avenue Room 651
    Madison, Wisconsin 53707
    Phone: (608) 266-2375
    The Statement of Scope for this Permanent Rule, SS 007-14 , was approved by the Governor on January 9 , 2014, published in Wisconsin Administrative Register No. 698 A on February 14, 2014, and approved by Secretary of the State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Mark Gottlieb, P.E., as required by s. 227.135(2) , Wis. Stats. , on December 11, 2013 .