CR_14-038 Residential rental practices  

  • Department of Agr iculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
    Ch. ATCP 13 4 Residential Rental Practices ; Fi nal Rule
    (Clearinghouse Rule #14-038 )
    The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) hereby submits the following rule for publication:
    Clearinghouse rule #:   1 4-038
    Subject:   Residential Rental Practices
    Adm. code reference:     ATCP 13 4
      DATCP Docket #:       14 -R- 2
    We are enclosing a copy of the final rule, as adopted by DATCP. We are also providing the following information for publication with the rule, as required by s. 227.114(6) , Stats.
    Business Impact Analysis (Summary)
    This proposed rule makes a number of minor modifications to the existing rule. However, these modifications simply align the rule with policy changes dictated by the legislature in 2011 Act 143 and 2013 Act 76 . Therefore, any economic or fiscal impact would have been caused by that legislation, not this proposed rule.
    Landlords and Tenants
    Generally, relationships between landlords and tenants are governed by Chapter 704 , Stats. and the existing ATCP 134, Adm. Rule. The legislature recently made a number of changes to Chapter 704 , Stats., some of which relate to subjects that are currently in Chapter ATCP 134 , Adm . Code. This rule modifies the existing rule to ensure that there is no confusion between the rule and the recently revised statute.
    Comments from Legislative Committees (Summary)
    On Janu ary 15 , 2015 , DATCP transmitted the above rule for legislative committee review. The rule was assigned to the Assembly Committee on Consumer Protection and the Senate Committee on Insurance, Housing and Trade . Neither committee took action . The Assembly and the Senate referred the rule to the Joint Committee for Review of Adminis t rative Rules (JCRAR) on March 25 , 2015 . JCRAR requested a 30 day extension to review the rule, which expired May 25, 2015.