SS_050-15 Continuing education  

  • Statement of Scope
    Veterinary Examining Board
    Rule No. :
    VE 10
    Relating to :
    Continuing Education
    Rule Type :
    1. Finding/nature of emergency (Emergency Rule only):
    2 . Detailed description of the objective of the proposed rule :
    The proposed rule will revise pertinent sections of Wis. Admin. Code ch. VE 10 , concerning continuing education , in order to make the chapter consistent with current practice within the profession.
    3 . Description of the existing policies relevant to the rule, new policies proposed to be included in the rule, and an analysis of policy alternatives :
    In accordance with s. 453.062 (2) (a) and (b) , Stats., l icensed veterinarians are required to complete 30 hours of continuing education and licensed veterinary technicians are required to complete 15 hours of continuing education. C ontinuing education requirements for both veterinarians and veterinary technicians are found in Chapter VE 10 . Recently, t he Veterinary Examining Board identified several provisions within ch. VE 10 th at required revising , s pe ci fically s. VE 10.03 (3) (b) . The Board determined that this provision allowing self-study of veterinary medical or scientific journals was obsolete due to the abundance of continuing education offered via the internet. T h e Board also identified s. VE 10.03 (3) (i) , regarding certification to use, handle, distribute and dispose of pesticides as outdated due to recent legislation , 2009 Wisconsin Act 139 . Act 139 specified that the Board may not require training or continuing education concerning the use, handling, distribution, and disposal of pesticides, other than for disciplinary p urposes. O th er provisions in ch. VE 10 may be revised as the proposed rule is developed.
    4 . Detailed explanation of statutory authority for the rule (including the statutory citation and language):
    Section 15.08 (5) (b) , Stats . , provides examining boards, “shall promulgate rules for its own guidance and for the guidance of the trade or profession to which it pertains. . .” The proposed rule seeks to provide guidance to licensed veterinarians and licensed veterinary techn icians on compliance with continuing education requirements.
    Section 227.11 (2) (a) , Stats. , sets forth the parameters of an agency’s rule-making authority, stating an agency, “may promulgate rules interpreting provisions of any statute enforced or administered by the agency. . .but a rule is not valid if the rule exceeds the bounds of correct interpretation.”
    Section 453.03 (2) , Stats , . provides that the, “examining board shall promulgate rules requiring training and continuing education sufficient to assure competency of veterinarians and veterinary technicians in the practice of veterinary medicine, . . .”
    Section 453.062 (2) (a) , Stats., provides that, “. . ., the examining board may not renew a veterinary license unless the applicant certifies that he or she has completed, during the preceding 2-year licensure period, at least 30 hours of continuing education programs or courses approved by the examining board.”
    Section 453.062 (2) (b) , Stats., provides that , “ . . ., the examining board may not renew a veterinary technician certification unless the applicant certifies that he or she has completed, during the preceding 2-year certification period, at least 15 hours of continuing education programs or courses approved by the examining board.”
    5 . Estimate of amount of time that state employees will spend developing the rule and of other resources necessary to develop the rule :
    State employees will spend approximately 50 hours developing the proposed rule.
    6 . List with description of all entities that may be affected by the proposed rule :
    Licensed veterinarians and licensed veterinary technicians will be affected by the proposed rule.
    7 . Summary and preliminary comparison with any existing or proposed federal regulation that is intended to address the activities to be regulated by the proposed rule :
    An Internet-based search revealed no specific existing or proposed federal regulation that is intended to address the activities to be regulated by the proposed rule.
    8 . Anticipated economic impact of implementing the rule (note if the rule is likely to have a significant economic impact on small businesses) :
    This rule is likely to have minimal or no economic impact on small businesses.
    Contact Person: Katie Paff, (608) 261-4472, Kathleen.Paff .