Minor and Technical Changes to Multiple Department Chapters;
Final Rule
(Clearinghouse Rule #14-047
The Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) hereby submits the following rule for publication:
Clearinghouse rule #:
Minor and Technical Changes to Multiple Department Chapters
Adm. code reference:
ATCP 21, 29
, 30, 33, 35, 40, 42, 49, 50, 71, 90, 91, 92, 94, 105, 123, 127 and 161
DATCP Docket #:
We are enclosing a copy of the final rule, as adopted by DATCP. We are also providing the following information for publication with the rule, as required by s.
, Stats.
Business Impact Analysis (Summary)
This rule
makes technical housekeeping changes that will have no effect upon small businesses.
Comments from Legislative Committees (Summary)
The legislature received the rule for legislative
review from DATCP on February 10
, 2015. The rule was assigned to the Assembly Committee on Agriculture and the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Small Business and Tourism. Neither committee took action. The Senate referred the rule to the Joint Committee for Review
Administrative Rules (JCRAR
) on March 26
, 2015 and the Assembly
referred it to JCRAR on March 25
, 2015. JCRAR also took no action on the rule.