CR_13-118 Repeals sections MPSW 2.01 (14) and 10.01 (3m), relating to the definition of psychotherapy.  

  • No comments were reported.
    Natural Resources
    Environmental Protection — General, Chs. NR 100—
    Environmental Protection — Water Supply,
    Chs. NR 800—
    (DNR # DG-03-13)
    An order to repeal sections NR 812.03 (2) , 812.08 (4) (a) 3. , 4. , 5. , 6. , 8. , 13. , (b )9., 10., and 13., 812.26 (4), 812.26 (5) (e), 812.43 (1) (d); to renumber sections NR 146.02 (1) , 812.07 (51) to 812.07 (52) , 812.07 (52) to 812.07 (51) , 812.07 (112g) to 812.07 (111m) ; to renumber and amend sections NR 146.04 (2) (c) and (note) to 146.04 (2) (i) and (note) , 146.04 (3) (a) and (note) to 146.04 (3) (c) and (note) ; to amend Chapter NR 146 (title) and sections 146.01 (1) and (2) and (note), 146.02 (3), (4), (7), (9), and (10), 146.03 (1) and (3), 146.04 (title), (1) (a) and (note), (b), and (d), 146.04 (2) (title), (intro), (a), (b), and (d), 146.04 (3) (title) and (intro), and (3) (b) 146.05 (title, (1) and (note), and (2), 146.06, 146.07 (1) (a), (b) and (e), 146.08, 146.09, 812.01 (2), 812.02 (1) (b) and (2), 812.03 (1), 812.05 (2) (b), 812.07 (3), (4), (6), (10), (23), (24), (35), (38), (42), (49), (53) (54), (57m), (60), (64), (67), (72), (74) (b), (80) (intro.), (a), (b), (84), (86), (90), (91), (93) (intro), (93) (a), (94), (104), (105), (106), (107), (108), (122), 812.08 (1) (intro.), (b), and (d), (2) (a), (b), (c), (4)(intro.), (a) 1., and 2., 11., 14. and 15., (4) (b) 2., 3., 4., 7., 12., and 15., (4) (c) 1., 2., 4. and 10., (4) (d)1., 4., and 6., (4) (f) 2., 7. and 8., (4) Table A, 812.09(4)(a)5. (4)(L), and (4)(r), 812 subchapter II (title), 812.10 (2) and (8), 812.11 (1), 812.12 (16) 812.13 (3) (b) 7., 812.22 (7) (b), 812.26 (title) and (1), (2) (a) (intro.), 1., 2. and 4., (2) (b), (2) (c) (intro.) and (2) (d), (3), (5)(intro.), (6), (7), and (8), 812.27 (5), 812.27 (8) and (9), 812.28, 812.29, 812.30 (3), 812.31 (2) (a) and (b), (4) (e), 812.32 (1) (a) (intro.), (2) (b), (5) (b) 3. b., (6) (b) and (9) (c) 3., 812.33 (1) (a) 1., (1) (b), (2) (intro.), and (3), 812.34 (title), and (intro.), 812.35, 812.37 (4) (a), 812.42 (1) (title), (intro.), (a) and (b), (1) (c), (2) (intro), (a), (c) and (d), (3), (4) (f), (6) (intro.), (6) (a) 2., (6) (b) 4., (7), (8), (9) (a) and (b), 812.43 (1); to repeal and recreate sections NR 146.02 (5) , 146.03 (2) , 146.04 (4) , 146.07 (2) , 812.07 (82) and (124) , 812.10 (11) , Figures 5 (b) 1., 6 (b) 1., 7 (b) 1., 8 (b) 1., 9 (b) 1. and 10 (b) 1., 812.22 (6), 812.27 (6), 812.30 (5), 812.32 (2) (a)5. Figures 36b. and 36c., 812.41 (3); to create sections NR 146.01 (note), 146.02 (1e) , (1m) , (3m) and (note) , (4b) , (4d) , (4f) , (4h) , (4j) , (4L) , (4n) and (note) , (4p) , (4r) , (4t) , (4v) , (5) (note) , (7g) , (7r) , (9) ( note), (9g), and (9r), 146.03 (4), 146.04 (2) (cm), (e), (f), (g), (h), (j), (k), (L) and (2m), 146.04 (3) (a), (d), and (3m), 146.04 (4m), (5), (5m), (6), (7) and (8), 146.07 (1) (f), (g), (h),and (i), 146.08 (8) to (19), 146.09 (3) (c) and (d), 146.10, 146.11, 146.12, 812.01 (1) (c), 812.07 (1d), (1h), (1p), (1t), (10m), (17m), (19m), (27t), (29m), (35e), (41m), (47m), (54g), (54r), (55m), (57s), (61g), (74)(c), (74)(d), (74)(e), (75c), (75g), (75L), (75p), (75t), (75x), (79e), (79p) and (note), (79t), (80m), (85m), (94g), (94r), (96g), (108r), (110s), (112m), (112v), (119g), (124m) and (note), 812.08 (1) (f), (2) (c) (note) and (note), (d), (e), (f), and (g), (4) (a) and (note) 16., 17. and 18., (4) (b) 16. and (note) and 17., (4) (c)16., 17., 18., 19., 20.,and (21), (4) (d) 10., 11. and 12., (4) (fm), 812.10 (12) and (13), 812.12 (2) (e), 812.22 (9) and (10), 812.26 (2) (a) 5. and 6., (6) (h) and (6) (i), (7) (b) 1. Table VI, (9), 812.27 (10) and (11), 812.30 (6), 812.32 (1) (e) and (f), (4) (c) and (d), (9) (d), 812.33 (1) (a) 2. d., and (2) (b) 5. 812.36 (3), Figures 45A and 45B, 812.41 (4), 812.42 (1) (b) 2., 3., 4., and 5., (4) (g) and (h), (10), (11), (12), (13), and subchs. VI and VII of ch. 812 , relating to licensing criteria for water well drilling rig operators, property transfer well inspectors and well filling and sealing contractors, and criteria for citations and relating to standards for property transfer well inspections, well filling and sealing and criteria for citations.
    Effective 10-1-14.
    Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
    There is not expected to be an economic impact on small business. The inspection of properties and water systems for real estate transfer is expected to find unused wells and non-compliant wells that will need to be upgraded to become compliant with code, or filled and sealed. This may result in additional work for licensed persons and help avoid costly well contamination for property owners.
    Legislative Comments
    No comments were reported.
    Safety and Professional Services
    Professional Services, Chs. SPS 1—299
    An order of the Department of Safety and Professional Services to repeal sections SPS 80.03 (2) , (8a) and (8d) , 81.02 (5) (Note), 81.02 (8), 81.02 (5) (Note), 81.05 (intro.), 82.01 (6), 83.01 (3) (e), (3)(g) (Note), 83.01 (4) (c), 83.02 (7), 84.01 (4), 84.03 (1) (b) 1. to 6., 86.01 (2) (Note, 84.04 (1) (b) (intro.) (Note) and 1. to 9., and 86 Appendix I; to renumber sections SPS 80 (title), 80.03 (3) to (8) , 80.03 (8ag) to (8c) , 80.03 (9) to (18) , 81 (title) , 81.03 (1) to (2) (d) , 81.05 (1) , 81.05 (2) , 81.05 (3) , 82 (title) , 82.02 , 82.03 , 82.04 , 83 (title), 83.01 (1) , 83.01 (1a) , 83.01 (2) , 84 (title) , 84.01 (1) and (3) , 84.02 , 84.03 (1) (title) (intro) and (a) , 84.03 (2) (intro.) (a) to (c) , 84.04 (title) and (1) (intro.) and (a) , 84.04 (2) and (3) ; to renumber and amend sections SPS 80.01 , 80.02 , 80.03 (intro.) , 80.03 (9) to (18) , 81.01 , 81.02 (intro.)(1) to (7) , 81.02 (8) (Note), 81.03 (2) (d) (Note), 81.04, 82.01 (1) to (5), 83.01 (title), 83.01 (3) (intro.) (a) to (d) and (f) and (g), 83.01 (3m), 83.01 (4) (intro.) and (4) (b), 83.01 (4) (c) (Note), 83.02 (title) (intro.) (1) to (6), 84.001, 84.01 (6) to (14), 84.03 (1) (b) (intro.), 84.04 (1) (b) (intro.), 85.01, 85.02; to amend sections SPS 87.01 (2) and (3) , 87.02 (1) , (2) (intro.) , (b) and (c) , 86.01 (1) , (4) , (9) and (11) ; to repeal and recreate Chapter SPS 85 (title); and to create sections SPS 85.120 (3) (Note) and (27), 85.230 (1) (c) 3., 85.240, 85.330, 85.410 (title), 85.430, 85.500 (title) 85.510, 85.520 (8) and (9),85.530, 85.600 (7), 85.700 (3) (a) to (f), 85.820, 85.830, 85.840,85.900 (title), 85.900 (7), 85.910 (7) (a), related to the examination, education, and experience requirements of real estate appraisers.
    Effective 1-1-15.
    Effect on Small Business
    These proposed rules do have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) , Stats.
    Legislative Comments
    No comments were reported.
    Safety and Professional Services —
    Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board
    An order of the Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board to amend section MPSW 3.11 (5) , relating to temporary credential.
    Effective 10-1-14.
    Effect on Small Business
    These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) , Stats.
    Legislative Comments
    No comments were reported.
    Safety and Professional Services —
    Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board
    An order of the Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling and Social Work Examining Board to repeal sections MPSW 2.01 (14) and 10.01 (3m) , relating to the definition of psychotherapy.
    Effective 10-1-14.
    Effect on Small Business
    These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) , Stats.
    Legislative Comments
    No comments were reported.
    Safety and Professional Services —
    Occupational Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board
    An order of the Occupational Therapists Affiliated Credentialing Board to repeal sections OT 2.07 (5) and 3.06 (b) (Note); to amend sections OT 2.03 (2) (e) , 2.03 (2) (j) , 2.07 (4) and (6) , 3.02 , 3.05 , 4.02 (2) (intro.) , 4.02 (2) (a) and (b) , 4.03 (1) (a) , 4.03 (2) (title) , 4.03 (2) (c) , (d) , and (e) , 4.03 (3) (a) , (b) , and (f) , 4.03 (5) (b) and (c) , 4.03 (6) (b) and (c) , 4.05 (6) and (7) (a) ; to repeal and recreate section OT 1.02 ; and to create sections OT 3.06 (r), 4.02 (2) (j) to (r) , and 4.02 (2) (intro.) (Note), relating to occupational therapy practice standards.
    Effective 10-1-14.
    Effect on Small Business
    These proposed rules will not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) , Stats.
    Legislative Comments
    No comments were reported.
    Safety and Professional Services —
    Real Estate Examining Board
    An order of the Real Estate Examining Board to repeal Chapters REEB 22 and 26 , and amend sections REEB 11.01 , 11.02 (intro.) 12.04 (1) (intro.) , 12.04 (2) (intro.) , and 25.065 (1) and (Note), relating to apprentices and inactive licenses.
    Effective 10-1-14.
    Effect on Small Business
    These proposed rules do not have an economic impact on small businesses, as defined in s. 227.114 (1) , Stats.
    Legislative Comments
    No comments were reported.
    Technical College System Board
    An order to repeal sections TCS 5.04 (1) (b) and (e) 2. , (2) (b) , (d) 3. , (j) , and (k) , (3) (b) and (d) 2. , and (4) (b) , (d) 2. , and (j) and 5.05 (3) ; and to amend sections TCS 5.04 (1) (e) 4. , (2) (d) 5. , (3) (d) 4. , and (4) (d) 4. and (i) , 5.06 , and 5.09 (1) and (2) , relating to facility development procedures.
    Effective 10-1-14.
    Effect on small business
    Legislative Comments
    No comments were reported.