CR_14-012 Revises Chapter NR 10, relating to muskrat and mink trapping seasons.  

  • Submittal of Proposed Rules to Legislative
    Council Clearinghouse
    Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings — Administrative Rules
    for further information on a particular rule.
    Natural Resources
    Fish, Game, etc., Chs. 1—
    (DNR # WM-33-13)
    On February 11, 2014, the Department of Natural Resources submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The statement of scope for this rule, SS 062-12 , was approved by the governor on August 14, 2012 , published in Register No 680, on August 31, 2012 , and approved by the Natural Resources Board on September 26, 2012 .
    The proposed rule-making order revises Chapter NR 10 , relating to muskrat and mink trapping seasons.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing will be held: Date to be determined.
    Contact Person
    Linda Haddix — Bureau of Legal Services, (608) 266-1959.
    Public Instruction
    On February 14, 2014, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 119-13 , was published in Register No. 693 , on September 30, 2013 , and approved by State Superintendent Tony Evers, on October 14, 2013 . Per the Dane County Circuit Court order issued in Coyne, et al. v. Walker, et al., Case No. 11-CV-4573, the Department of Public Instruction is not required to obtain the Governor's approval for the statement of scope or this rule.
    The proposed rule amends repeals section PI 34.34 (1) , (2) , and (2m) ; amends section PI 34.33 (intro) ; and creates sections PI 34.241 , 34.242 , and 34.243 , relating to charter school teaching licenses.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    Public hearings will be scheduled as required under s. 227.16 (1) , Stats.
    The Division for Academic Excellence within the Department of Public Instruction is primarily responsible for promulgation of this rule.
    Contact Person
    If you have questions regarding this rule, you may contact Katie Schumacher, Administrative Rules Coordinator, at or (608) 267-9127.
    Public Instruction
    On February 19, 2014, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 074-13 , was published in Register No. 691 , on July 14, 2013 , and approved by State Superintendent Evers, on July 24, 2013 . Per the Dane County Circuit Court order issued in Coyne, et al. v. Walker, et al., Case No. 11-CV-4573, the Department of Public Instruction is not required to obtain the Governor's approval for the statement of scope or this rule.
    The proposed rule repeals and recreates Chapter PI 36 , relating to public school inter-district open enrollment.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    Public hearings will be scheduled as required under s. 227.16 (1) , Stats.
    The Division for Finance and Management within the Department of Public Instruction is primarily responsible for promulgation of this rule.
    Contact Person
    If you have questions regarding this rule, you may contact Katie Schumacher, Administrative Rules Coordinator, at or (608) 267-9127.
    Safety and Professional Services
    Professional Services, Chs. 1—299
    On February 10, 2014, the Department of Safety and Professional Services submitted a proposed rule to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 023-13 , was approved by the Governor on February 18, 2014 , published in Register No. 687 on April 1, 2013 , and approved by the Department of Safety and Professional Services on April 30, 2013 .
    Statutory authority: Sections 227.11 (2) , 444.035 , 444.04 , 444.06 , 444.095 (3) , and 444.19 , Stats.
    The proposed rule-making order repeals Chapters SPS 100 to 105 and revises Chapters SPS 192 to 196 , relating to mixed martial arts, amateur boxing, and professional boxing.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required and will be held on March 12, 2014, at 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 121, Madison, Wisconsin (enter at 55 North Dickinson Street).
    Contact Person
    Jean MacCubbin, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, phone (608) 266-0955, email .
    Safety and Professional Services
    Professional Services, Chs. 1—299
    On February 10, 2014, the Department of Safety and Professional Services submitted a proposed rule to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 063-13 , was approved by the Governor on June 10, 2013 , published in Register No. 690 on July 1, 2013 , and approved by the Department of Safety and Professional Services on July 16, 2013 .
    Statutory authority: Sections 227.11 (2) (a) and 440.26 (3m) , Stats.
    This proposed rule-making order revises Chapter SPS 34 , relating to firearms and other dangerous weapons for private security personnel, private detectives, and private investigators or special investigators, and rule changes affected by 2011 Act 35 .
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required and will be held on March 12, 2014 at 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 121, Madison, Wisconsin (enter at 55 North Dickinson Street).
    Contact Person
    Jean MacCubbin, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, phone (608) 266-0955, email .
    Safety and Professional Services
    Professional Services, Chs. 1—299
    On February 13, 2014, the Department of Safety and Professional Services submitted a proposed rule-making order to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 123-13 , was approved by the Governor on September 20, 2013 , published in Register No. 694 on October 14, 2013 , and approved by the Department of Safety and Professional Services on October 28, 2013 .
    Statutory Authority: ss. 227.11 (2) (a) , 440.03 (1) , 458.03 (1) (b) , 4581.085, 458.10 (3) , Stats.
    This proposed rule-making order revises Chapters SPS 80 to 87 , relating to examinations, education, and experience requirements for real estate appraisers.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required and will be held on March 14, 2014, at 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 121B at 9:00 AM, Madison, Wisconsin (enter at 55 North Dickinson Street).
    Contact Person
    Shawn Leatherwood, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, 608- 261-4438 or .
    Safety and Professional Services
    Professional Services, Chs. 1—299
    General, Part IV, Chs. 388—
    On February 14, 2014, the Department of Safety and Professional Services submitted a proposed rule to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 142-13 was approved by the Governor on October 31, 2013 , published in Register No. 695 on November 14, 2013 , and approved by the Department of Safety and Professional Services on November 25, 2013 .
    Statutory Authority: Sections 227.04 (2) (b) , 227.11 (2) (a) , 440.03 (1) and (13) (am) , Stats.
    This proposed rule-making order revises Chapters SPS 1 , 1 Appendix I , 1 Appendix II , 2 , 2 Appendix I , 3 , 3 Appendix I , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 8 Appendix I , and 500 , relating to administrative procedures and small business discretion.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required and will be held on March 17, 2014 at 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 121A, Madison, Wisconsin (enter at 55 North Dickinson Street).
    Contact Person
    Katie Paff, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, (608) 261-4472 and .
    Safety and Professional Services
    General Part I, Chs. 301—319
    Commercial Building Code, Chs. 361—366
    On February 14, 2014, the Department of Safety and Professional Services submitted a proposed rule to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule was published in Register No. 651 on March 15, 2010 , and approved by the Department of Commerce on April 16, 2010 .
    Statutory Authority: Sections 101.02 (15) (h) to (j) , 101.63 (1) , 101.981 (2) , 101.982 , and 227.11 (2) (a) , Stats.
    This proposed rulemaking order revises Chapters SPS 318 , 362 , and 366 , relating to elevators, escalators, and lift devices.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required and will be held on March 17, 2014, at 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 121C, Madison, Wisconsin (enter at 55 North Dickinson Street).
    Contact Person
    Sam Rockweiler, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, 608.266.0797, .
    Executive Order 50, Paragraph III.2. Statement
    The Department ensured the accuracy, integrity, objectivity, and consistency of the data used in preparing the proposed rules and corresponding analysis.
    Safety and Professional Services
    Uniform Dwelling Code, Chs. 320—325
    On February 10, 2014, the Department of Safety and Professional Services submitted a proposed rule to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 139-13 , was approved by the Governor on October 28, 2013 , published in Register No. 695 on November 14, 2013 , and approved by the Department of Safety and Professional Services on November 26, 2013 .
    Statutory Authority: Sections 227.11 (2) (a) and 101.63 (intro.) and (1) (intro.) , Stats.
    This proposed rulemaking order amends sections SPS 321.02 (1) (c) , 321.23 , Table 321.25–A, 321.25 (7) (d) and (8) (a) (Note), and chapters SPS 320 to 325 Appendix — Minimum Fastener Schedule Table; and repeals and recreates section SPS 321.25 (8) (b) to (h) and (9) , relating to wall bracing for one- and two-family dwellings.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required and will be held on March 11, 2014, at 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 121C, Madison, Wisconsin (enter at 55 North Dickinson Street).
    Contact Person
    Sam Rockweiler, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, (608) 266-0797, .
    Executive Order 50, Paragraph III.2. Statement
    The Department ensured the accuracy, integrity, objectivity, and consistency of the data used in preparing the proposed rules and corresponding analysis.
    Safety and Professional Services
    Uniform Dwelling Code, Chs. 320—325
    General Part II, Chs. 326—360
    On February 13, 2014, the Department of Safety and Professional Services submitted a proposed rule to the Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 136-13 , was approved by the Governor on October 15, 2013 , published in Register No. 694 on October 31, 2013 , and approved by the Department of Safety and Professional Services on November 12, 2013 .
    Statutory Authority: Sections 101.935 (3) , 101.937 (1) , 101.96 (1) (a) and (b) , and 227.11 (2) (a) , Stats.
    This proposed rulemaking order revises Chapters SPS 320 , 321 , and 326 , relating to manufactured homes and manufactured home communities.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required and will be held on March 14, 2014, at 1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 121C, Madison, Wisconsin (enter at 55 North Dickinson Street).
    Contact Person
    Sam Rockweiler, Department of Safety and Professional Services, Division of Policy Development, 608.266.0797, .
    Executive Order 50, Paragraph III.2. Statement
    The Department ensured the accuracy, integrity, objectivity, and consistency of the data used in preparing the proposed rules and corresponding analysis.