Rule Orders Filed with the Legislative Reference BureauThe following administrative rule orders have been filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication date of these rules could be changed. Contact the Legislative Reference Bureau at bruce.hoesly@legis.wisconsin.gov or (608) 266-7590 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rule orders.Safety and Professional Services —
Physical Therapy Examining BoardThe Wisconsin Physical Therapy Examining Board proposes an order to amend ss. PT 7.01 (1) (title) and 8.02 ; to repeal and recreate s. PT 7.02 ; and to create ss. PT 7.01 (2) and 7.025 , relating to unprofessional conduct and biennial renewal date.Effective 12-1-13.