CR_13-034 Revises Chapter Tax 61, relating to lottery retailers.  

  • Submittal of Proposed Rules to Legislative
    Council Clearinghouse
    Please check the Bulletin of Proceedings - Administrative Rules
    for further information on a particular rule.
    On May 14, 2013, the Department of Corrections submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council, pursuant to s. 227.15 , Wis. Stats.
    This rule is not subject to s. 227.135 (2) , Stats., as affected by 2011 Wis. Act 21 . The scope statement for this rule, published in Register No. 655 , on J uly 31, 2010 , was sent to LRB prior to June 8, 2011.
    The proposed rule repeals and recreates Chapter DOC 350 , relating to jails.
    Subject Matter of the Proposed Rule
    The Department of Corrections is authorized under s. 301.37 , Stats., to develop "reasonable standards and regulations" for facilities, including county jails and houses of correction. The last comprehensive review and revision of the current rule was in 1990. Subsequent changes in the law and accepted correctional practices necessitate revisions to ch. DOC 350 , including new standards.
    The rule addresses two primary needs:
    1.   Repeal and recreate ch. DOC 350 to update, renumber, and reorder for clarity. The Department is seeking revision of ch. DOC 350 , which not only reflects changes in law and correctional practice, but also clarifies existing standards. Since the last revision, it became apparent that clarification of many sections was necessary.
    2.   Clarify and update standards for the physical plant of a jail and jail operations. The department is responsible for establishing standards for the construction and operation of county jails and houses of correction. The department is also responsible for inspecting the facilities on an annual basis and as necessary. The current rule which was last reviewed and amended in 1992 establishes minimum standards in jail operations. The issues addressed in the rule include: the review and approval of construction plans, physical plant requirements, occupancy limitations and requirements for single and double celling, health care, including health screening upon admission, medication administration, suicide prevention, and crisis intervention, fire safety, security, administrative confinement, discipline, programming, mail, visitation, canteen, religious programming, recreation, reading materials, records and reporting, and variances.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing is required under s. 227.16 (1) , Wis. Stats., and will be scheduled at a later date.
    The Department of Corrections, Office of Detention Facilities, is primarily responsible for the promulgation of the proposed rule.
    Contact Person
    Kathryn R. Anderson, Chief Legal Counsel
    Department of Corrections
    3099 East Washington Avenue
    P.O. Box 7925
    Madison, WI 53707-7925
    Telephone: (608) 240-5049
    FAX: (608) 240-3306
    On May 3, 2013, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 001-13 , was approved by the Governor on December 27, 2012 , published in Register No. 685 on January 31, 2013 , and approved by the Secretary of Revenue on February 11, 2013 .
    The proposed rule order revises Chapter Tax 61 , relating to lottery retailers.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing on the proposed rule is required.
    The Office of the Secretary is primarily responsible for the promulgation of the proposed rule.
    Contact Person
    If you have questions, please contact:
    Dale Kleven
    Income, Sales and Excise Tax Division
    Telephone: (608) 266-8253
    On May 3, 2013, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 007-13 , was approved by the Governor on January 17, 2013 , published in Register No. 686 on February 14, 2013 , and approved by the Secretary of Revenue on February 25, 2013 .
    The proposed rule order revises Chapters Tax 16 and 19 , relating to local financial reporting and expenditure restraint payments.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing on the proposed rule is required.
    The Office of the Secretary is primarily responsible for the promulgation of the proposed rule.
    Contact Person
    If you have questions, please contact:
    Dale Kleven
    Income, Sales and Excise Tax Division
    Telephone: (608) 266-8253
    On May 3, 2013, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 006-13 , was approved by the Governor on January 17, 2013 , published in Register No. 686 on February 14, 2013 , and approved by the Secretary of Revenue on February 25, 2013 .
    The proposed rule order revises Chapters Tax 12 and 18 , relating to property tax and assessment of agricultural property.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing on the proposed rule is required.
    The Office of the Secretary is primarily responsible for the promulgation of the proposed rule.
    Contact Person
    If you have questions, please contact:
    Dale Kleven
    Income, Sales and Excise Tax Division
    Telephone: (608) 266-8253
    On May 3, 2013, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue submitted a proposed rule to the Wisconsin Legislative Council Rules Clearinghouse.
    The scope statement for this rule, SS 005-13 , was approved by the Governor on January 17, 2013 , published in Register No. 686 on February 14, 2013 , and approved by the Secretary of Revenue on February 25, 2013 .
    The proposed rule order revises Chapters Tax 6 , 13 , and 15 , relating to public utility taxation, investment and local impact fund, and real estate transfer fee.
    Agency Procedure for Promulgation
    A public hearing on the proposed rule is required.
    The Office of the Secretary is primarily responsible for the promulgation of the proposed rule.
    Contact Person
    If you have questions, please contact:
    Dale Kleven
    Income, Sales and Excise Tax Division
    Telephone: (608) 266-8253