The Commissioner of Insurance finds that an emergency exists and that the attached rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. Facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
These changes must be in place with an effective date of July 1, 2011 for the new fiscal year assessments. The fiscal year fees were established by the Board of Governors at meeting on February 16, 2011. Although the permanent version is currently under review by the Legislature, it cannot be published in time to meet the necessary effective date.
Publication Date:
June 10, 2011
Effective Dates:
June 10, 2011 through
November 6, 2011
Natural Resources (5)
Fish, Game, etc., Chs. NR 1—
— Rule adopted to create
NR 40.04 (2) (g)
relating to the identification, classification and control of invasive species.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
227.24 (1) (a)
, Stats., authorizes state agencies to promulgate a rule as an emergency rule without complying with the notice, hearing and publication requirements under ch.
, Stats., if preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare necessitates putting the rule into effect prior to the time it would take effect if the agency complied with the procedures. However, s.
23.22 (2t) (a)
, Stats., authorizes the department to promulgate emergency rules to identify, classify, or control an invasive species without having to provide evidence that an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety, or welfare or to provide a finding of emergency.
In addition, such emergency rules may remain in effect until whichever of the following occurs first: the first day of the 25th month beginning after the effective date of the emergency rule, the effective date of the repeal of the emergency rule, or the date on which the permanent rule identifying, classifying, or controlling the invasive species, promulgated under s.
23.22 (2) (b) 6.
, Stats., takes effect.
Publication Date:
September 29, 2010
Effective Dates:
September 29, 2010 through
See bold text above
Hearing Date:
October 25 to 29, 2010
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
227.24 (1) (a)
, Stats., authorizes state agencies to promulgate a rule as an emergency rule without complying with the notice, hearing and publication requirements under ch.
, Stats., if preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare necessitates putting the rule into effect prior to the time it would take effect if the agency complied with the procedures. However, s.
23.22 (2t) (a)
, Stats., authorizes the department to promulgate emergency rules to identify, classify, or control an invasive species without having to provide evidence that an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety, or welfare or to provide a finding of emergency.
In addition, such emergency rules may remain in effect until whichever of the following occurs first: the first day of the 25th month beginning after the effective date of the emergency rule, the effective date of the repeal of the emergency rule, or the date on which the permanent rule identifying, classifying, or controlling the invasive species, promulgated under s.
23.22 (2) (b) 6.
, Stats., takes effect.
Publication Date:
November 3, 2010
Effective Dates:
November 3, 2010 through
See bold text above
Hearing Date:
November 29, 2010
(DNR # IS-07-11(E)) — Rule to repeal
NR 40.02 (28m)
to amend
NR 40.04 (3m)
, and to repeal and recreate section
NR 40.07 (8)
, (all as created by Natural Resource Board emergency order
, DNR # IS-49-10(E)), relating to the identification, classification and control of invasive species.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
227.24 (1) (a)
, Stats., authorizes state agencies to promulgate a rule as an emergency rule without complying with the notice, hearing and publication requirements under ch.
, Stats., if preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare necessitates putting the rule into effect prior to the time it would take effect if the agency complied with the procedures. However, s.
23.22 (2t) (a)
, Stats., authorizes the department to promulgate emergency rules to identify, classify, or control an invasive species without having to provide evidence that an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety, or welfare or to provide a finding of emergency.
In addition, such emergency rules may remain in effect until whichever of the following occurs first: the first day of the 25th month beginning after the effective date of the emergency rule, the effective date of the repeal of the emergency rule, or the date on which the permanent rule identifying, classifying, or controlling the invasive species, promulgated under s.
23.22 (2) (b) 6.
, Stats., takes effect.
Publication Date:
December 13, 2010
Effective Dates:
December 13, 2010 through
See bold text above
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Natural Resources finds that an emergency exists and the foregoing rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is:
Commercial trap nets in Lake Michigan pose a hazard to the safety of recreational fishermen trolling submerged fishing lines. The preservation of public safety requires appropriate measures to assure that recreational boaters can know the location of trap nets and are able to release themselves from entanglement with the commercial nets. Accordingly, this NRB Order requires that 1) boat operators engaged in trolling with downriggers carry wire cutters on board capable of severing fishing line or downrigger cable, 2) the enhanced net marking requirements on Lake Michigan be applied to trap nets on Lake Superior, 3) all parts of trap nets set in Zone 3 of Lake Michigan between June 29 and Labor Day be within designated areas, and 4) the marking of trap nets in Lake Michigan be enhanced by the use of reflective tape on buoy staffs.
Publication Date:
May 23, 2011
Effective Dates:
May 23, 2011 through
October 19, 2011
Hearing Date:
June 27, 2011
Finding of Emergency
The emergency rule procedure, pursuant to s.
, Stats., is necessary and justified in establishing rules to protect the public welfare. The rule is necessary in order to foster participation by hunters and landowners so they will continue to hunt and cooperate in CWD control and deer herd management. This rule proposal balances pressing social concerns about the quality of the deer hunt with the need for effective herd control measures such as additional antlerless deer harvest in management units that are more than 20% over population goals or simply over population goals in units that are part of the CWD Management Zone. This rule will increase harvest of bucks in the CWD zone which have a higher prevalence of CWD and, because of their greater dispersal distances, have a higher likelihood of spreading CWD. However, the rule retains a herd control tool which requires that antlerless deer be harvested before additional bucks (beyond the initial one) may be taken. The federal government and state legislature have delegated to the appropriate agencies rule-making authority to control and regulate hunting of wild animals. The State of Wisconsin must provide publications describing the regulations for deer hunting to more than 630,000 deer hunters prior to the start of the season. These regulations must be approved prior to printing nearly 1 million copies of the regulations publication.
Publication Date:
To be determined
Effective Dates:
September 17, 2011 through
February 13, 2012
Natural Resources
Environmental Protection — Air Pollution Control, Chs. NR 400—
Finding of Emergency
The emergency rule procedure, pursuant to s.
, Stats., is necessary and justified in establishing rules to protect the public welfare. Preservation of the public welfare necessitates putting the forgoing rules into effect prior to the time that it would take if the Department complied with normal procedures.
On April 1, 2010, the U.S. EPA promulgated the first emission standard for gases contributing to climate change, i.e., greenhouse gases or GHG, which will become effective on January 2, 2011. While these standards target automobile emissions, under the Clean Air Act, this action will unintentionally subject stationary sources across the country to complex prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) and Title V permitting and emission control requirements. U.S. EPA attempted to mitigate this unintended effect by promulgating additional rules, which became effective on June 3, 2010, limiting applicability of the permitting requirements. However, Wisconsin sources will not be affected by the new U.S. EPA rules since existing state statute and administrative code do not contain the same applicability limiting provisions. State rules consistent with those at the federal level must be in effect on January 2, 2011 in order to provide the relief U.S. EPA intended for Wisconsin sources. Without these proposed emergency rules, many sources,
including municipal landfills, hospitals, asphalt plants, wastewater treatment plants, small wood fired boilers and agricultural digesters, will be considered major emissions sources of GHG, and therefore subject to the permit and emission control requirements for GHG. These permit and control requirements were never intended or designed to address the type or size of sources that could now be affected. Without the proposed changes, the existing rules would have the potential to overwhelm DNR permitting staff, divert resources away from significant environmental issues, and delay issuance of construction permits for critical projects for expanding businesses.
Therefore, the Department finds that the proposed emergency rules are necessary and appropriate for the preservation of the public welfare.
Publication Date:
December 15, 2010
Effective Dates:
December 15, 2010 through
May 15, 2011
Extension Through:
July 13, 2011
Hearing Date:
January 21, 2011
Regulation and Licensing (3)
— Rule adopted creating
RL 91.01 (3) (k)
, relating to training and proficiency in the use of automated external defibrillators for certification as a massage therapist or bodyworker.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
Section 41 (2) (b) of the nonstatutory provisions of
2007 Wisconsin Act 104
provides that notwithstanding section
227.24 (1) (a)
of the statutes, the department of regulation and licensing is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated to implement
2007 Wisconsin Act 104
. Notwithstanding s.
227.24 (1) (c)
of the statutes, these emergency rules will remain in effect until the date on which the final rules take effect.
Publication Date:
September 10, 2008
Effective Dates:
September 10, 2008
through the date on which
the final rules take effect
Hearing Date:
November 26, 2008
April 13, 2009
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
Section 41 (2) (b) of the nonstatutory provisions of
2007 Wisconsin Act 104
provides that notwithstanding section
227.24 (1) (a)
of the statutes, the department of regulation and licensing is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated to implement
2007 Wisconsin Act 104
. Notwithstanding s.
227.24 (1) (c)
of the statutes, these emergency rules will remain in effect until the date on which the final rules take effect.
Publication Date:
September 10, 2008
Effective Dates:
September 10, 2008
through the date on which
the final rules take effect
Hearing Date:
November 26, 2008
— Rule adopted creating
RL 200
, relating to governing professional conduct of individuals licensed as sign language interpreters, and for the treatment of state resident licensure exemption requests.
Finding of Emergency
2009 Wisconsin Act 360
created laws regulating the practice of sign language interpreting, and became effective on December 1, 2010. Under the act, codified at s.
, Stats., individuals practicing as sign language interpreters must now be licensed by the department, and must comply with a code of professional conduct to be promulgated by the department. The new law also provides for exemptions from the licensure requirement under certain circumstances, and requires the council to promulgate rules establishing the criteria and procedures for granting state resident exemptions. As s.
, Stats., is already in effect, an emergency rule is necessary to implement the law pending promulgation of a similar permanent rule.
Publication Date:
March 16, 2011
Effective Dates:
March 16, 2011 through
August 12, 2011
Hearing Date:
May 3, 2011
Regulation and Licensing —
Barbering and Cosmetology Examining Board
— Rule adopted to revise
BC 9
, relating to late renewal and continuing education.
Finding of Emergency
The rule as currently promulgated fails to adequately protect the public to the extent that several provisions are underdeveloped, ambiguous or silent. As a result, inconsistent interpretations and contradictory information has led to significant confusion within the profession. Given that the rules require licensees to comply by March 31, 2011, the errors and omissions need to be addressed immediately so licensees can receive adequate training to provide safe and competent services to the public, and comply with the requirements for renewal of a license.
Publication Date:
December 23, 2010
Effective Dates:
December 23, 2010 through
May 21, 2011
Extension Through:
July 20, 2011
Hearing Date:
April 4, 2011
Regulation and Licensing —
Veterinary Examining Board
— Rule adopted to revise
VE 2.01 (2)
3.03 (intro)
, relating to the requirements for the initial licensure of veterinarians, specifically, the procedures for, and the types of examinations required.
Finding of Emergency
As currently written, the veterinary examining board rules regarding licensure candidates' deadlines for submission of applications to take the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) do not align with the deadlines established by the National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (NBVME). The rules thus also conflict with the deadlines defined in the board's NBVME NAVLE agreement. The rules state that a candidate shall file a completed NAVLE application with the board at least 60 days prior to the date of the scheduled examination. However, NAVLE's deadlines require submission of applications approximately 115 days ahead of the examination date. This inconsistency between the rules and NAVLE's deadlines will likely cause significant confusion for licensure candidates. At worst, it could preclude a candidate from taking the particular NAVLE he or she applies for due to missing the application deadline. In addition, recently-passed legislation now allows foreign veterinary graduates to show evidence of successful completion of the Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE) as an alternative to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA) Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates Certification (ECFVGC) program. The board adopts this emergency rule effecting the necessary changes pending the promulgation of a similar permanent rule.
Publication Date:
March 28, 2011
Effective Dates:
March 28, 2011 through
August 24, 2011
Hearing Date:
May 25, 2011
Revenue (2)
— Rule adopted creating
Tax 2.957
, relating to income and franchise tax credits and deductions for businesses that relocate to Wisconsin.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that the attached rule order is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
The emergency rule is to reflect changes in Wisconsin's tax laws due to the creation of income and franchise tax credits and deductions for businesses that relocate to Wisconsin.
It is necessary to promulgate this rule order so that these credits and deductions, created to help bring much needed jobs to Wisconsin, may be administered in a fair and consistent manner.
This rule is therefore promulgated as an emergency rule and shall take effect upon publication in the official state newspaper. Certified copies of this rule have been filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau, as provided in s.
, Stats.
Publication Date:
April 7, 2011
Effective Dates:
April 7, 2011 through
September 3, 2011
Hearing Date:
June 14, 2011
— Rule adopted creating
Tax 3.05
, relating to income and franchise tax deductions for job creation.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Revenue finds that an emergency exists and that the attached rule order is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
The emergency rule is to reflect changes in Wisconsin's tax laws due to the creation of income and franchise tax deductions for job creation.
It is necessary to promulgate this rule order so that these deductions, created to help bring much needed jobs to Wisconsin, may be administered in a fair and consistent manner.
This rule is therefore promulgated as an emergency rule and shall take effect upon publication in the official state newspaper. Certified copies of this rule have been filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau, as provided in s.
, Stats.
Publication Date:
April 7, 2011
Effective Dates:
April 7, 2011 through
September 3, 2011
Hearing Date:
June 14, 2011